
- Accident Prone
- [banter]
- Car
- The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows
- Jude Law and a Semester Abroad
- Two-Headed Boy, Part 2
- Intro
- Okay I Believe You, but My Tommy Gun Don't
- I Will Play My Game Beneath the Spin Light
- Soco Amaretto Lime
- Tautou
- Play Crack the Sky
- The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot
- Moshi Moshi
- Bad Day (R.E.M.)
- When I Died
- Good Man
- Hellium
- Death
- Cut The Line
- Coca-Cola
- Adios
- Sealed To Me
- Get It Back
- Two-Headed Boy
- Two Headed Boy, Pt. Two- Jesse Lacey