Jesper Kyd Songtexte
Dreams of Venice
Action in Paris
Choir of Liberty
Ezio’s Family
Villa Under Attack
Geboren am 03. Februar 1972
Warhammer 40,000: Darktide (Original Soundtrack)
- Darktide Main Theme
- The Uprising on Hive Tertium
- Prison Break
- Onboard the Tancred Bastion
- Escaping the Prison Ship
- The Imperium Unites
- Immortal Imperium
- Dropship to Hive Tertium
- Entering the Hive City
- The Transit Horde
- Imperium of Man
- The Mourningstar
- Disposal Unit (Imperium Mix)
- Late Night Entertainment
- Nightsider
- City of Tertium
- Broadcast Apparatus
- Apparatus Receiving
- Data Interference
- Forge Manufactorum
- Atoma Prime
- Entering Throneside
- Waiting to Strike
- Path of Trust
- Unrest in Throneside
- Transmission Commences
- Offworld Auspex
- Hive City Lowest Level
- The Torrent Fights Back
- Warp Traveller
- Debriefing
- Escape Initiated
- Imperial Advance
- Hab Block Bonanza
- The Will of the Imperium
- Write Transmit
- Sublevel Data Interrogation
- Reality Slipping
- Heart of Heresy
- Embrace of the Chaos Cult
- Forge Chaos Detected
- Last Man Standing
- The Emperor of Mankind
- Admonition
- The Imperium Unites Part 2 (Bonus Track)
- Disposal Unit
- Reality Slipping (Imperium Mix)
- Transmission Commences (Late Night Mix)
Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide Soundtrack
- Vermintide Theme
- Skaven Camp Located
- The Skaven Come Out to Play
- Wizards Tower
- The Horde
- Red Moon Dread
- To the Forest
- Skaven Underground
- RatOgre
- StormVermin
- Vermintide Theme Reprise 2
- Skaven on the Move
- Realm of the Skaven
- Headstones & Plague Brew
- Red Moon Elegy
- Sneaking in City Streets
- Vermintide End Boss
- Magnus Tower Reached
- Sneaking Around the Skaven
- Glimmer of Hope
- The Courtyard
- Tunnels & Dynamite
- The Horde 2
- Immediate Loss
- Vermintide End Times
Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Soundtrack
- Vermintide 2 Main Theme (Chaos Version)
- The Gate
- Sneaking Inside the Skaven Camp
- The Elven Ruins
- Ussingen Destroyed
- Entering the War Camp
- War Camp Showdown
- Through the Portal
- Welcome Dark Forest
- The Grey Seers
- The Skaven Bell
- Arcane Sorcery
- Nurgle
- Norsca Attacks
- Last Stand
- The Sewers
- Norsca Chaos
- The Farmlands
- Ground Zero
- Skaven Ritual
- Troll Boss
- Troll Cave
- Escape and Panic
- The Sorcerer
- The Temple
- Order of the Grey Seers
- Heroic Escape
- The Horde (Chaos Remix)
- Norsca Fight
- Win
- Warhammer Vermintide 2 Release Trailer (Bonus Track)
Mehr Songtexte

- [untitled]
- End Boss
- Hong Kong Themes (Hitman: Codename 47)
- 47 Main Title (Hitman: Codename 47)
- Isabella: Leader of the Resistance
- Governor's Island
- Unreal Tournament Theme
- Unreal Tournament Title
- Tactical Agenda
- ONS01
- Mekalopolis
- Skyward Fire
- Afterburn
- Go Down
- Quantum Velocity
- Foregone Destruction
- Suborbital Graviton
- Skylab 9000
- Deploy And Assault
- Defector
- Firestorm
- Mechasism Eight
- Plasma Oscillator
- Frozen Babylon
- Unreal Tournament Title (UT3 Reconstruction)
- LockDown
- To The Death
- Robo Mall
- Necris Attacks
- Outpost
- Necrimanci
- Sanktuary
- Bushido
- Temple Of Shambhala
- World Of Liandri
- Ezio's Family
- Leonardo's Inventions, Part 2
- Leonardo's Inventions, Part 1
- Fight II
- Fight III
- Percussion II
- Fast Beat
- Hades
- Midtempo Fight
- Groove
- Intense Fight
- Mood
- Percussion III
- Percussion I
- Fight I
- The Future Is Bright
- Apossibly
- Hotel Pool
- Return to Masyaf, Part 2: Something Is Rotten in Denmark
- Masyaf-Under Siege, Part 3
- Strip Club
- Hotel
- Dirty Deeds-Jerusalem
- Masyaf
- Masyaf-Under Siege, Part 2
- Robert de Sable
- Damascus-Fight or Flight: Red in the Face
- Knives Out
- Masyaf-Fight or Flight: Red in the Face
- Infiltrating the Borgia Castle
- Spill the Beans
- Lee Hong's Basement
- Tamir
- Masyaf-Under Siege, Part 4
- Juban Al Hakim
- Masyaf -Fight or Flight: Yellow Belly
- Jungle
- DNA Select Screen
- Jerusalem
- Arsuf
- Masyaf-Horse Ride
- Assassin's HQ
- Acre Horse Ride
- Hitman Main Theme
- Golden Globe
- Dirty Deeds-Damascus
- Kingdom 2
- Jungle Crash
- Opening Select Screen
- Sanitarium Fight
- Flight Over Venice
- Darkness Falls
- Jerusalem-Fight or Flight: Red in the Face
- Kingdom 1
- Sibrand
- End Fight (AC2)
- Lee Hong
- The Creed
- Ship Dock
- Majd Addin
- Good Job
- Rome Countryside
- Borgia - The Rulers of Rome
- Acre-Fight or Flight: Yellow Belly
- Damascus-Fight or Flight: Yellow Belly
- Return to Masyaf, Part 1
- Abul Nuqoud
- Damascus-Horse Ride
- William
- Return to Masyaf, Part 3
- Legacy of the Borgia Family
- Ta'al
- Jerusalem-Fight or Flight: Yellow Belly
- Sanitarium Basement
- Nuke Ship
- Garn'er de Napouse
- Wang Fu Restaurant
- Access the Animus, Part 2: Yellow Belly
- Acre
- Dirty Deeds-Acre
- Return to Masyaf, Part 4: Have at You, Snake
- Damascus
- Access the Animus, Part 3: On High Alert
- Masyaf-Under Siege, Part 1
- Acre-Fight or Flight: Red in the Face
- Office Space
- Access the Animus, Part 1: Red in the Face
- Solomon's Temple
- Pablo's Camp
- Ending Credits
- Jerusalem Horse Ride
- End Fight (Assassin's Creed 2)
- Precession (30 second)
- Aphelion (underscore)
- Numinous (underscore)
- Limb (30 second)
- Precession (underscore)
- Aphelion (30 second)
- Dead Plains Reprise
- Event Horizon (underscore)
- Absolute Magnitude (30 second)
- Opposition (30 second)
- Antimatter (30 second)
- Event Horizon (30 second)
- Absolute Magnitude (underscore)
- Galilean Moons (underscore)
- Van Alien (30 second)
- Galilean Moons (30 second)
- Chaos Debris (30 second)
- Zombie Truckin'
- Revenge
- Broken World
- Kane's Family Portrait
- Evermore
- Rainmaker
- Eidolon
- Freefall
- Hereafter
- Empyrean
- Divinity
- Phantasm
- Evolver
- Tempest
- Dreams of Istanbul (Bonus Track)
- Red Moon Elegy
- Red Moon Dread
- RatOgre
- Wizards Tower
- End Fight (Assassin’s Creed 2)
- City of Damascus
- Trouble in Acre
- Flight Through Damascus
- Trouble in Damascus
- City of Acre
- Flight Through Acre
- Flight Through Masyaf
- Jerusalem Underworld
- Fortress of Karak Azgaraz
- The Nameless
- Red Moon Inn - Saracena
- The Dungeons Are Calling
- The Horde Gathers
- Portals of Plague
- The Power of Blood
- Undying Soul
- Constant Terror
- Snowy Mountains
- Highlands
- Invasion of Karak Azgaraz
- Realm of the Enchanter
- Verminous Charge
- Breakdown
- Red Moon Inn 4
- Red Moon Inn 5
- Sanguinary Sanctum
- Red Moon Inn 1
- Red Moon Inn 2
- Red Moon Inn 3
- Mountains of Karak Azgaraz
- Elegy 2
- Leonardo's Inventions (Extended)
- Last Level (Final Monster)
- Funky Writer (Mission Report)
- Carousel (Title Theme)
- Sublevel II (Level VI)
- Stage Introduction
- Power Flower (Level VII)
- Enemy Mines (Level IV)
- Start Sequence (Introduction)
- Heroes Theme (High Score)
- Crystal Space (Level I)
- Enemy Mines II (Level V)
- Complete (End Sequence)
- Underwater (Level IX)
- Sublevel (Level II)
- Power Flower II (Level VIII)
- Crystal Space II (Level III)
- The Elven_Ruins
- Red Moon - The Dancing Donkey
- Red Moon - Goliard
- Red Moon - Elegy 2
- Castle Drachenfels
- Drachenfels Ballroom
- The Red Moon Inn
- Dungeons of Drachenfels
- Red Moon - Dread
- Red Moon - Elegy
- Red Moon - Saracena
- Wizard's Tower
- Jerusalem Fight or Flight-Red in the Face
- Sailing Away
- Minerva
- Pickup Sound
- Vatican Sci Fi (chant)
- Ezio's Family - Ascending to Valhalla
- Earth Song Demo (Featuring Melissa Kaplan)
- Masyaf Fight or Flight -Red in the Face
- Acre Fight or Flight-Red in the Face
- Damascus Horse Ride
- D.N.A Select Screen
- Masyaf Fight or Flight -Yellow Belly
- Masyaf- Under Siege Part 1
- Masyaf- Under Siege Part 3
- Acre Fight or Flight-Yellow Belly
- Leo & Ezio's Friendship (Original)
- Opening Sequence
- Damascus Fight or Flight-Red in the Face
- Leo & Ezio's Friendship
- Jerusalem Fight or Flight-Yellow Belly
- Assassin's Creed 2 Official Trailer
- Codex Pages
- Treasure Locate
- Shadow-Walker
- Cordelia's Vengeance
- Florence Tarantella (extended)
- Return to Masyaf Part 1
- Damascus Fight or Flight-Yellow Belly
- Escape Low
- Goodwin's Honor
- Dream of Venice
- Masyaf- Under Siege Part 2
- Masyaf- Under Siege Part 4
- Complete Mission
- Templars
- Fulke's Destiny
- Masyaf Horse Ride
- Assassin's H.Q
- Meditation of th Assassin
- Barfight!
- A Quiet Drink
- Dirty Deeds: Damascus
- Damascus Fight or Flight: Red in the Face
- Masyaf Fight or Flight: Yellow Belly
- Jerusalem Fight or Flight: Red in the Face
- Acre Fight or Flight: Red in the Face
- Masyaf: Under Siege, Part 1
- Masyaf: Under Siege, Part 4
- Masyaf: Under Siege, Part 3
- Masyaf: Under Siege, Part 2
- Damascus Fight or Flight: Yellow Belly
- Acre Fight or Flight: Yellow Belly
- Masyaf Fight or Flight: Red in the Face
- Jerusalem Fight or Flight: Yellow Belly
- Ezio’s Family - Ascending to Valhalla
- Sacrificial Attack
- Another Trail To Follow
- Chaos infested
- The Village
- Spirits In The Crypt
- Bogenhafen Organ
- The Minotaur
- Bogenhafen (Prototype)
- Finding Trail
- Vermintide End Boxx
- Attack of the Beastmen
- The Crater
- Church Infestation
- Bogenhafen Fights Back 1
- Bogenhafen Fights Back 2
- Something Occult
- Charred Forest
- Ascending Upwards
- Towards Drachenfels
- The Vista
- Possessed Chaos Sorcerer
- Arrival At The Dark Dungeons
- Vermintide 2 E3 Trailer
- Courtyard Disturbance
- Return to Drachenfels
- Dead Contact
- Castle Drachenfels In The Distance
- Black Magic
- Deeper Dungeon
- Beastmen Horde
- Bogenhafen Slums (Trailer Music)
- Vermintide 2 Release Trailer
- Winds of Magic Trailer
- Entering The City
- Ezio’s Family – Ascending to Valhalla
- Rainmaker (a)
- Evermore (a)
- Eidolon (a)
- Empyrean (a)
- Phantasm (a)
- Freefall (a)
- Hereafter (a)
- Divinity (a)
- Tempest (a)
- Evolver (a)
- Fyrastone Simulator (Cluster 00773 P4NDOR4 ambient)
- Accessing The Brain (Subconscious ambient)
- Right Brain Waves (Cluster 99002 OV3RLOOK ambient)
- The Cortex
- Claptrap's Defragmentation (Motherlessboard ambient)
- Motherlessboard Combat
- Return to Deck 13.5
- The Deep Subconscious (The Nexus)
- Cluster 00773 P4NDOR4 Combat
- Full State Feedback
- Left Brain Waves (Subconscious combat)
- Innerspace (Cluster 99002 OV3RLOOK ambient)
- 47 in St Petersburg
- The Imperium Unites Part 2 (Bonus Track)
- Assassin’s Creed 2 Official Trailer
- Leo & Ezio’s Friendship (original)
- Leo & Ezio’s Friendship
- Death Fights Archon
- Death Plains Theme
- Earth Realm
- Numinous
- Limb
- Event Horizon
- Chaos Debris
- Absolute Magnitude
- Van Alien
- Antimatter
- Galilean Moons
- Aphelion
- Opposition
- Precession
- Moebian Sixth
- The Fringe
- Light of the Imperium
- Moebian Domain
- Empires Will Fall
- The Gauntlet
- Bustout Part 3
- Bustout Part 2
- Bustout Part 1
- Entering the Prison
- Meeting With Retomoto
- Tokyo Action
- Rappel Down Skyscraper
- Action in Havana
- Skyscraper Rooftop
- Venezuela Stealth
- Truck Fight
- Venezuela Suspense
- Kanes Family Portrait
- Training Starts
- Retomoto Double Cross
- Prison Riot
- Prison Suspense
- Venezuela Flashback Test
- Kanes Family Portrait V2
- Dark Studio??
- Ending
- Joker’s Theme
- Last Boss
- Gotham by Night
- The Lab
- Space Boss
- Animal Boss
- Two‐Face’s Theme
- Continue?
- Not Much Time
- Moving Boss
- Big Machines
- Psycho Section
- Moving Trucks
- Big Boss
- Flying Over The City
- Extreme Boss
- Dark Studio
- Red Moon – The Dancing Donkey
- Red Moon – Elegy 2
- Red Moon – Saracena
- Red Moon – Goliard
- Atelium Foundryplex
- The Machine Spirit
- Derelict Research
- Prayer to the Omnissiah
- Prayers to the Machine
- Reactivation
- Elevator Theme
- Weapon Select 2
- Hell House
- Hitman Contract Trailer
- Blood Money Trailer
- Submarine
- Alexandria's Theme
- Sparta - Main Theme
- Soldiers Inc. - Zheng Shi Rising
- Total Domination - Outer Limits
- Soldiers Inc. - Main Theme
- Pirates - Main Theme
- Pirates - The Conquistadors
- Total Domination - Main Theme
- Soldiers Inc. - Meltdown
- Sparta - Hellas