Blues Harmonica Masterclass (Compilation)
- Introduction
- Holding the Harmonica
- Chord Rhythm
- Tongue Blocking
- Changeover Scale
- Syncopating Chords
- Back Rhythm
- Octaves
- Draw Octaves
- Simple Songs
- Pursed Lips
- Lip Blocking
- 12 Bar Structure
- Intro to Bending Notes
- Bending Technique
- Bends with Syncopating Chords
- Bending Exercises
- Upper Register Blow Bends
- Transitions
- 2 Draw vs. 3 Blow
- Intro to Special Effects
- Vibrato
- Warbles
- Flutters
- Growls
- Barks
- Kiss Pops
- Rips & Glisses
- Double & Triple Tonguing
- Turnaround Figure
- Tongue Switching
- Special Chords
- Shaping Notes
- Use of Hands
- Breathing & Diaphram Attack
- Positions
- "Saints" - 5 Positions
- Boogies-3 Positions
- Mics, Amps & Playing With a Band
- Closing Remarks
- E March With Harp
- E March
- E Shuffle With Harp
- E Shuffle
- E Blues With Harp
- E Blues
- A March With Harp
- A March
- A Shuffle With Harp
- A Shuffle
- A Blues With Harp
- A Blues
- B March With Harp
- B March
- B Shuffle With Harp
- B Shuffle
- B Minor Blues With Harp
- B Monor Blues