Jeremy Filsell Songtexte
Geboren am 10. April 1964

- O Be Joyful in the Lord
- Prelude: Most Ancient of All Mysteries
- Fantasia and Fugue in D Major
- Processional: Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
- Chorale on a Melody by Orlando Gibbons
- Adagio and Fugue on "Liebster Immanuel"
- Prelude on the Somerset Carol
- Chorale: O Sacred Head Sore Wounded
- Prelude: Our Father Which Art in Heaven
- Nocturne
- Carillon (Hommage a Mulet et Vierne)
- Chorale Partita: Christ the Lord Is Risen Again
- Fanfare for Easter Day
- Processional
- Chorale Pertita: Unto Us Is Born a Son
- Prelude: Come, Holy Ghost
- Trio: At the Lambs High Feast
- Prelude: O Come, O Come Emmanuel
- Trio: Lo, He Comes With Clouds Descending
- Advent Chorale