
- The Prayer (vokal)
- The Prayer
- The Prayer (Tet Kale Beats)
- The Prayer (Akapele)
- The Prayer (Jwif Ginen)
- The Prayer (Haitian Preist)
- Lot Bo Dio (Across the Sea)
- priyé-a (the prayer)
- Ibo Lele
- al di yo interlude (go tell them)
- al di yo (go tell them)
- kanpe (get up)
- Piti Solèy (Daughter of the Sun)
- Tribute to Ernie (Ochan Pou To-Nès)
- Ibo Lele (Tet Kale Bobeats)
- Ibo Lele (Ginen Tet Red)
- Ibo Lele (Ibopella)
- Ibo Lele (Ibo Degi)
- La-Kou-A
- The Prayer (a cappella)
- Priye (The Prayer)
- Lakou-A
- Fredo’s Jazzy Fingers (Dwét djaz Fredo)
- Kote moun yo (Where Are the People), Part 2
- li le (it's time)
- pouki (why)
- voyage of dreams
- Lakou-A (Fredo's Jazzy Fingers)
- rara shout outs
- Lakou-A (Wi Net)
- Lakou-A (Bass dub interlude)
- Kote moun yo (Where Are the People), Part 1
- Lakou-A (original vocal)
- Lakou-a (The Courtyard)
- Kanpe (Get Up) (Billy's Organ dubb)
- Lakou-A (Tet Kale Beats)
- Lakou-A (Lakapella)
- kote moun yo (where are the people)
- tribute to ernie (ochan pou ti-nès)
- fredo's jazzy fingers (dwèt jazz fredo)
- lot bo dlo (across the sea)
- pitit solèy (daughter of the sun)