
- In the Shadow
- Sparrow March in D
- Another Way
- Falling Forward Again
- From the Red to the Blue
- The Curve
- Twice
- The Second Stroll
- Hill
- The Only Way Out
- Letting The Wind Shake
- As A White Flag Frolics
- These Prosy Bores
- Some Run, Other Crouch
- Drowned Suns That Glimmer
- Beggars Of Blue Sky
- A Red Spot Against The Sun
- Thrown Like Rags
- Strange Mildness
- The Lamp At The Window
- Wife And Child And Meal
- Red-Armed Maid
- From The Proudest Of Statues
- Neither Her Lover Nor My Mother
- Without Bread, Without Sticks And Without Bowls
- A Rose In The Shadows
- Fall Back Without Curiosity
- The Workman
- A Dream Of Stone
- Balconies Of Sky
- Transitory Suns
- The Lofty Trade Of Letters
- The Lily Is Born White
- Room And Mansion