James Seymour Brett Songtexte
Geboren am 03. April 1974

- Fire Prayers
- Flame Song
- Moon Prayers
- Ocean Chant
- Breath Chant
- Earth Chorus
- Peace Prayer
- Sky Chorus
- Rain Song
- Forest Voices
- Sun Dance
- Funtasia
- Adventure City
- The Tin Soldiers
- Toy Quest
- Chuggalug
- Storyopolis
- The Flight of the Fairies
- Snow Flight
- Star of Light
- Christmas Fantasia
- The Crystal Chambers
- Dawn Seas
- Night of the Witches
- Winter Magic
- Goblin Dance
- Festive Wonderland
- Future Plazas
- Dream Cities
- Night Magic
- The Heart of Gaia
- The Pirate Prince
- Emergence of Time
- Dragon Quest
- The Phoenix Scrolls
- Time Chasers
- Nightwatchers
- Space Sentinels
- Cybertex
- Trials to Survive
- Mountain Flight
- A Fragile Planet
- Star Hunters
- Thawing Ice Rising Tides
- A Spring Renewal
- Creation Miracle
- Soaring to Paradise
- Square One
- Axial Tilt
- String Theorem
- Last Sky Pirate
- Sound Arcs
- Neo Tokyo
- Ascension Adagio
- Circular Blurs
- Deus Ex
- Mephisto Legion
- Illuminatrix
- Project Imperium
- Viper Squad
- Titan Force
- Code Genesis
- Storm Runner
- The Sun Temple
- Nova Patrol
- Princess Futura
- Home From the Front
- Space Battalions
- For the Grace of God
- American Dreams
- Star Quest
- Daybreak on the Prairie
- Dr Nebula
- Heartland Return
- Alpha Force
- 07 Batman s Entrance
- 21 Batman Live Orchestral Suite
- 01 Opening Titles & Tony Zucco
- 09 The Iceberg Lounge Fight
- 05 Wayne Manor
- 08 Snowgirls
- 04 The Flying Graysons
- 13 Joker s Face & Jetpack Exit
- 11 Circus Cannons
- 06 Catwoman
- 12 Helium Balloons & Batman s Return
- 14 Descent To The Batcave
- 15 Arkham Asylum & The Batmobile
- 02 Gotham City Skyline & The Monarch Theatre
- 17 The Drive To Arkham & Scarecrow s Feargas
- 16 Through The Tunnels & Rogue s Gallery
- 03 Haley s Circus
- 10 Circus Fights
- 19 The Joker Zombie Fight
- 20 Joker s Balloon, The Kiss & Finale
- 18 Batman Chained Up & Robin Arrives