
J. Rufus Fears Songtexte
The Ottoman Empire and Turkey

Geboren am 07. März 1945, Gestorben am 06. Oktober 2012


  1. Cicero
  2. Hitler and the War Against Freedom
  3. Elie Wiesel — Night
  4. Cleopatra
  5. Hammurabi Issues a Code of Law (1750 B.C.)
  6. Churchill and the War for Freedom
  7. Adam Smith (1776) Versus Karl Marx (1867)
  8. Black Death — Pandemics and History (1348)
  9. Vikings in America?
  10. The Destiny of the Athenian Democracy
  11. Gibbon on Rome’s Decline and Fall
  12. Confucius, the Analects
  13. The Birth of Freedom
  14. Miracle at Philadelphia
  15. The Illiberal Tradition
  16. Athenian Democracy
  17. The Tide of War Turns
  18. What the Declaration of Independence Says
  19. Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, Faust, Part 2
  20. Myth and Athenian Drama
  21. Shakespeare, Othello, the Moor of Venice
  22. Rome and the Middle East
  23. Bonhoeffer, Letters and Papers From Prison
  24. The Roman Republic
  25. Vergil the Magician
  26. Gandhi, an Autobiography
  27. The Song of Roland — Chivalric Adventure
  28. Hippocrates Takes an Oath (430 B.C.)
  29. The Tyranny of George III
  30. The Day the Stock Market Crashed (1929)
  31. Gilgamesh and History
  32. The Legacy of Churchill
  33. Lays of Ancient Rome
  34. Menander — The Grouch
  35. The Cold War
  36. Anaxagoras, Phidias, and Aspasia
  37. The United States and Empire
  38. Joseph Addison — Cato
  39. Post-War Challenges
  40. Freedom in the Roman Empire
  41. Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  42. Pericles
  43. Freedom and the Lessons of History
  44. Athens — Freedom and Cultural Creativity
  45. Solon — Democracy Begins (594 B.C.)
  46. John (feat. Kennedy Is Assassinated) (1963)
  47. The Archduke Makes a State Visit (1914)
  48. Von Strasburg — Tristan and Isolde
  49. Themistocles
  50. The Gospel of John
  51. Christianity
  52. The Ottoman Empire and Turkey
  53. Theseus and the Minotaur
  54. Jesus and Socrates
  55. Achilles and Agamemnon
  56. China and Empire
  57. Theodore Roosevelt — an Autobiography
  58. Mythology as a Path to Wisdom
  59. Columbus Finds a New World (1492)
  60. Sophocles — Philoctetes
  61. Plato, Phaedo
  62. Erasmus — in Praise of Folly
  63. Lewis and Clark — Journals
  64. The Shot Heard ’round the World
  65. Lord Acton, the History of Freedom
  66. King Arthur — Fact or Fiction?
  67. Russia and Empire
  68. A Superpower at the Crossroads
  69. Dante Sees Beatrice (1283)
  70. Odysseus
  71. Alexander the Great in Romance
  72. Heritage and Destiny
  73. Caesar and Vercingetorix
  74. The Trojan War and the Middle East
  75. Moses and Monotheism (1220 B.C.)
  76. Ancient Greece and the Middle East
  77. Marathon — Democracy Triumphant (490 B.C.)
  78. Confucius Instructs a Nation (553–479 B.C.)
  79. General Pickett Leads a Charge (1863)
  80. Henry David Thoreau, Walden
  81. Birth of Civilization in the Middle East
  82. The Historical Power of Biblical Stories
  83. Fate and Free Will in Mythology
  84. Pompey the Great
  85. The Spanish Empire and Latin America
  86. Abraham Lincoln, George Patton — War
  87. George Washington as Statesman
  88. Islam
  89. Vergil
  90. Cato the Younger
  91. The Empire of Genghis Khan
  92. Plato, Republic
  93. The Liberal Tradition
  94. The Wisdom of History and the Citizen
  95. The Defeat of the Spanish Armada (1588)
  96. Plato — Epistle VII
  97. Gospel of Mark
  98. Mao Zedong Begins His Long March (1934)
  99. Croesus
  100. Ancient Israel and the Middle East
  101. What the Constitution Says
  102. Lessons From the Great Books
  103. Alcibiades and the Peloponnesian War
  104. Alexander the Great
  105. Aeschylus, Oresteia
  106. Vergil, Aeneid
  107. Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus
  108. Homer and Mythology
  109. Reagan, Hollywood, and American Ideals
  110. Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, Faust, Part 1
  111. Bhagavad Gita
  112. The Roman Republic as Superpower
  113. World War II and the Lessons of History
  114. Great Leaders: Winston Churchill
  115. Liberty and Lincoln at Gettysburg
  116. Isaac Bashevis Singer — The Penitent
  117. From Machiavelli to the Divine Right of Kings
  118. Thomas Jefferson as Statesman
  119. Constantine I Wins a Battle (A.D. 312)
  120. Muhammad Moves to Medina — The Hegira (A.D. 622)
  121. Nibelungenlied — Chivalric Romance
  122. Rome — Freedom and Cultural Creativity
  123. Rome of the Caesars as Superpower
  124. America and Slavery
  125. Theseus
  126. Paul the Apostle
  127. Luther’s New Course Changes History (1517)
  128. Sophocles
  129. The Battle of Kosovo
  130. Goethe — The Sufferings of Young Werther
  131. Jesse James and the Myth of the Outlaw
  132. Leonidas
  133. Pericles, Oration; Lincoln, Gettysburg Address
  134. Publius Cornelius Scipio
  135. Franklin Roosevelt Becomes President (1933)
  136. Champion of Freedom
  137. Alcibiades
  138. Epictetus
  139. Napoleon's Liberal Empire
  140. Exodus — The Foundation of the Jewish People
  141. Boethius, Martin Luther King — Conscience
  142. Marcus Aurelius
  143. In Search of Historical Troy
  144. Beowulf — Historical Roots and Heroic Values
  145. George Orwell, 1984
  146. Shakespeare — Antony and Cleopatra
  147. Bologna Gets a University (1088)
  148. Churchill and Controversy
  149. Freedom in the Middle Ages
  150. Euripides — Medea
  151. Machiavelli — La Mandragola
  152. George Washington — Farewell Address
  153. Aldous Huxley — Brave New World
  154. Aristophanes — Comedies
  155. Beowulf
  156. Homer, Iliad
  157. Life Lessons From the Trojan War
  158. Claudius
  159. Alexander the Great and the Middle East
  160. On the Empire’s Frontier
  161. Gaius Julius Caesar
  162. America's Empire of Liberty — Lewis and Clark
  163. Schweitzer — Out of My Life and Thought
  164. Abraham Lincoln as Statesman
  165. In Search of the Holy Grail
  166. Liberty and Lee at Gettysburg
  167. Koran
  168. The Enlightenment of the Buddha (526 B.C.)
  169. Napoleon and the Mantle of Caesar
  170. Cicero, on Moral Duties (De Officiis)
  171. Homer — Odyssey
  172. Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front
  173. Julius Caesar
  174. Brutus and the Opposition to Caesar
  175. Julius Caesar in History
  176. T.E. Lawrence — Seven Pillars of Wisdom
  177. Thomas More — Utopia
  178. The Nazi Menace
  179. In the Wilderness
  180. Lycurgus
  181. Shakespeare — MacBeth
  182. Jesus — The Trial of a Teacher (A.D. 36)
  183. Atlantis — Fact or Fiction?
  184. George Orwell — Animal Farm
  185. Is Freedom a Universal Value?
  186. Xenophon, Plato and Philip
  187. Luther and the Protestant Reformation
  188. Shakespeare, Julius Caesar
  189. Churchill, My Early Life; Painting as a Pastime; WWII
  190. The Wisdom of Great Books
  191. Civil Disobedience and Social Change
  192. John Stuart Mill, on Liberty
  193. Charles Darwin Takes an Ocean Voyage (1831)
  194. The Book of Genesis
  195. Quintus Fabius Maximus
  196. Augustus
  197. Scipio Africanus the Elder
  198. Book of Exodus
  199. Young Churchill
  200. Hector
  201. Lysander and Socrates
  202. September 11, 2001
  203. Britain's Legacy of Freedom
  204. Jesus
  205. Why We Study History
  206. The Battle of Vienna (1683)
  207. One Night in Petrograd (1917)
  208. Arminius and German Mythology
  209. Socrates on Trial
  210. Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound
  211. Apuleius
  212. Pausanias
  213. Xerxes
  214. General Custer — Hero or Villain?
  215. Josephus — History of the Jewish War
  216. Athenian Democracy and Empire
  217. Natural Law and the Declaration
  218. Euripides — Alcestis
  219. Dante, the Divine Comedy
  220. Dr. King Leads a March (1963)
  221. Athenian Tragedy — Education for Freedom
  222. Rallying the Nation
  223. Shakespeare — Hamlet
  224. Alexander the Great in History
  225. Pyrrhus
  226. Nicias
  227. The Anglo-American Tradition of Liberty
  228. Hannibal
  229. Thucydides
  230. Gilgamesh
  231. Cicero — "On Old Age"
  232. Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
  233. Dostoevsky — The Brothers Karamazov
  234. FDR and the Progressive Tradition
  235. Davy Crockett and the Myth of the Frontier
  236. World War I and the Lessons of History
  237. Plutarch, Suetonius, and Tacitus
  238. Euripides, Bacchae
  239. Why the Roman Empire Fell
  240. Michelangelo Accepts a Commission (1508)
  241. Book of Job
  242. The Atomic Bomb Is Dropped (1945)
  243. The British Empire in India
  244. The Trial of Socrates
  245. Jason and the Golden Fleece
  246. The Epic of Gilgamesh
  247. Hitler's Rise and the Lessons of History
  248. The Wisdom of History and You
  249. Why the French Revolution Failed
  250. Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germany (1933)
  251. Franklin Roosevelt as Statesman
  252. Crassus
  253. Nero
  254. Hadrian
  255. Heroes, History, and Myth
  256. Solon
  257. Two Brothers Take a Flight (1903)
  258. The Bill of Rights
  259. The Alamo
  260. Sophocles — Ajax
  261. Political Beginnings
  262. Romulus — The Founder of Rome
  263. The Battle of Lexington (1775)
  264. Louis Pasteur Cures a Child (1885)
  265. Seneca — "On Providence"
  266. Machiavelli, the Prince
  267. The Myth of Troy
  268. Caesar Crosses the Rubicon (49 B.C.)
  269. Scipio the Younger
  270. Erasmus — a Book Sets Europe Ablaze (1516)
  271. Sir Thomas Malory, Morte D'Arthur
  272. Trajan
  273. Teuton Versus Roman
  274. Aeneas — Rome's National Hero
  275. Gaius Flaminius
  276. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the Gulag Archipelago
  277. Lecture 19: Lysander and Socrates, Part 1
  278. Lecture 19: Lysander and Socrates, Part 2
  279. Lecture 19: Lysander and Socrates, Part 3
  280. Lecture 19: Lysander and Socrates, Part 4
  281. Lecture 19: Lysander and Socrates, Part 5
  282. Lecture 19: Lysander and Socrates, Part 6
  283. Lecture 21: Xenophon, Plato and Philip, Part 1
  284. Lecture 21: Xenophon, Plato and Philip, Part 3
  285. Lecture 21: Xenophon, Plato and Philip, Part 5
  286. Lecture 23: Pyrrhus, Part 1
  287. Lecture 3: Hector, Part 1
  288. Lecture 23: Pyrrhus, Part 5
  289. Lecture 23: Pyrrhus, Part 4
  290. Lecture 23: Pyrrhus, Part 3
  291. Lecture 23: Pyrrhus, Part 2
  292. Lecture 23: Pyrrhus, Part 6
  293. Lecture 18: Alcibiades and the Peloponnesian War, Part 1
  294. Lecture 18: Alcibiades and the Peloponnesian War, Part 3
  295. Lecture 18: Alcibiades and the Peloponnesian War, Part 5
  296. Lecture 17: Nicias, Part 1
  297. Lecture 17: Nicias, Part 3
  298. Lecture 17: Nicias, Part 5
  299. Lecture 7: Croesus, Part 2
  300. Lecture 7: Croesus, Part 4
  301. Lecture 7: Croesus, Part 6
  302. Lecture 24: Cleopatra, Part 5
  303. Lecture 24: Cleopatra, Part 6
  304. Lecture 24: Cleopatra, Part 3
  305. Lecture 24: Cleopatra, Part 4
  306. Lecture 24: Cleopatra, Part 1
  307. Lecture 24: Cleopatra, Part 2
  308. Lecture 8: Xerxes, Part 6
  309. Lecture 8: Xerxes, Part 5
  310. Lecture 8: Xerxes, Part 2
  311. Lecture 8: Xerxes, Part 1
  312. Lecture 8: Xerxes, Part 4
  313. Lecture 8: Xerxes, Part 3
  314. Lecture 1: Theseus, Part 2
  315. Lecture 1: Theseus, Part 4
  316. Lecture 1: Theseus, Part 6
  317. Lecture 6: Solon, Part 2
  318. Lecture 6: Solon, Part 4
  319. Lecture 6: Solon, Part 6
  320. Lecture 4: Odysseus, Part 6
  321. Lecture 13: Anaxagoras, Phidias, and Aspasia, Part 2
  322. Lecture 13: Anaxagoras, Phidias, and Aspasia, Part 4
  323. Lecture 13: Anaxagoras, Phidias, and Aspasia, Part 6
  324. Lecture 20: The Trial of Socrates, Part 3
  325. Lecture 20: The Trial of Socrates, Part 4
  326. Lecture 15: Thucydides, Part 1
  327. Lecture 15: Thucydides, Part 3
  328. Lecture 15: Thucydides, Part 5
  329. Lecture 20: The Trial of Socrates, Part 5
  330. Lecture 20: The Trial of Socrates, Part 6
  331. Lecture 10: Themistocles, Part 1
  332. Lecture 10: Themistocles, Part 3
  333. Lecture 10: Themistocles, Part 5
  334. Lecture 14: Sophocles, Part 1
  335. Lecture 14: Sophocles, Part 2
  336. Lecture 16: Alcibiades, Part 1
  337. Lecture 16: Alcibiades, Part 3
  338. Lecture 16: Alcibiades, Part 5
  339. Lecture 14: Sophocles, Part 3
  340. Lecture 14: Sophocles, Part 4
  341. Lecture 14: Sophocles, Part 5
  342. Lecture 14: Sophocles, Part 6
  343. Lecture 4: Odysseus, Part 5
  344. Lecture 5: Lycurgus, Part 4
  345. Lecture 4: Odysseus, Part 4
  346. Lecture 5: Lycurgus, Part 3
  347. Lecture 4: Odysseus, Part 3
  348. Lecture 5: Lycurgus, Part 6
  349. Lecture 4: Odysseus, Part 2
  350. Lecture 5: Lycurgus, Part 5
  351. Lecture 4: Odysseus, Part 1
  352. Lecture 12: Pericles, Part 5
  353. Lecture 12: Pericles, Part 1
  354. Lecture 12: Pericles, Part 3
  355. Lecture 5: Lycurgus, Part 2
  356. Lecture 20: The Trial of Socrates, Part 1
  357. Lecture 5: Lycurgus, Part 1
  358. Lecture 20: The Trial of Socrates, Part 2
  359. Lecture 3: Hector, Part 6
  360. Lecture 3: Hector, Part 5
  361. Lecture 3: Hector, Part 4
  362. Lecture 3: Hector, Part 3
  363. Lecture 3: Hector, Part 2
  364. Lecture 21: Xenophon, Plato and Philip, Part 2
  365. Lecture 21: Xenophon, Plato and Philip, Part 4
  366. Lecture 21: Xenophon, Plato and Philip, Part 6
  367. Lecture 18: Alcibiades and the Peloponnesian War, Part 2
  368. Lecture 18: Alcibiades and the Peloponnesian War, Part 4
  369. Lecture 18: Alcibiades and the Peloponnesian War, Part 6
  370. Lecture 2: Achilles and Agamemnon, Part 1
  371. Lecture 2: Achilles and Agamemnon, Part 2
  372. Lecture 2: Achilles and Agamemnon, Part 3
  373. Lecture 2: Achilles and Agamemnon, Part 4
  374. Lecture 2: Achilles and Agamemnon, Part 5
  375. Lecture 2: Achilles and Agamemnon, Part 6
  376. Lecture 17: Nicias, Part 2
  377. Lecture 17: Nicias, Part 4
  378. Lecture 17: Nicias, Part 6
  379. Lecture 7: Croesus, Part 1
  380. Lecture 7: Croesus, Part 3
  381. Lecture 7: Croesus, Part 5
  382. Lecture 22: Alexander the Great, Part 3
  383. Lecture 22: Alexander the Great, Part 2
  384. Lecture 22: Alexander the Great, Part 1
  385. Lecture 22: Alexander the Great, Part 6
  386. Lecture 22: Alexander the Great, Part 5
  387. Lecture 22: Alexander the Great, Part 4
  388. Lecture 9: Leonidas, Part 6
  389. Lecture 9: Leonidas, Part 5
  390. Lecture 9: Leonidas, Part 4
  391. Lecture 9: Leonidas, Part 3
  392. Lecture 9: Leonidas, Part 2
  393. Lecture 9: Leonidas, Part 1
  394. Lecture 1: Theseus, Part 1
  395. Lecture 1: Theseus, Part 3
  396. Lecture 1: Theseus, Part 5
  397. Lecture 6: Solon, Part 1
  398. Lecture 6: Solon, Part 3
  399. Lecture 6: Solon, Part 5
  400. Lecture 13: Anaxagoras, Phidias, and Aspasia, Part 1
  401. Lecture 13: Anaxagoras, Phidias, and Aspasia, Part 3
  402. Lecture 13: Anaxagoras, Phidias, and Aspasia, Part 5
  403. Lecture 15: Thucydides, Part 2
  404. Lecture 15: Thucydides, Part 4
  405. Lecture 15: Thucydides, Part 6
  406. Lecture 10: Themistocles, Part 2
  407. Lecture 10: Themistocles, Part 4
  408. Lecture 10: Themistocles, Part 6
  409. Lecture 16: Alcibiades, Part 2
  410. Lecture 16: Alcibiades, Part 4
  411. Lecture 16: Alcibiades, Part 6
  412. Lecture 11: Pausanias, Part 6
  413. Lecture 11: Pausanias, Part 5
  414. Lecture 12: Pericles, Part 2
  415. Lecture 12: Pericles, Part 4
  416. Lecture 12: Pericles, Part 6
  417. Lecture 11: Pausanias, Part 2
  418. Lecture 11: Pausanias, Part 1
  419. Lecture 11: Pausanias, Part 4
  420. Lecture 11: Pausanias, Part 3


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