Itzik Manger Songtexte
Geboren am 30. Mai 1901, Gestorben am 21. Februar 1969
The Megilla of Itzik Manger (Soundtrack)
- Overture and Prologue
- Der Nigun Fun Der Megille – Theme of The Megila
- Dem Melech's Sudeh – The King's Party
- Vasthi's Kloglid – Vashti's Last Mile
- Der Alter Nussenboim – The Walnut Tree
- Di Elegiye Fun Fastrigosso – Fastrigosso’s Lament (von Mike Burstyn)
- In Droissen Iz A Regen – Song of the Rain
- Flits Fegelech – Fly, Little Bird (von Mike Burstein & Company)
- Gevald – The Gevald Aria
- Kum Arain In Shenk – The Tailors’ Drinking Song, ”Come Into the Tavern”
- S'a Mechaye – The King’s Song, ”It’s a Groove” (von Peisachke Burstein)
- Das Lid Fun Der Goldener Paveh – The Golden Peacock
- Dos Shneider Lid – Tailors’ Song, ”From Stopchet to Colomay”
- Mir Velen Nisht Fasten – Revolutionary Song
- Fastrigosso’s Mame – A Mother’s Tears
- Der Fetter Mord'che Heist – Uncle Mordechai Is So Smart (von Mike Burstein & Lillian Lux)
- Chiribim
- Lechaim – A Toast to the Players