Ibibio Sound Machine Songtexte
17 18 19
Talking Fish
Alfred Kari Bannerman
Scott Baylis
Marilyn David
Max Grunhard
Tony Hayden
Jose Joyette
John McKenzie
Anselmo Netto
Eno Williams
Ibibio Sound Machine
- Voice of the Bird (Uyio Inuen)
- I'm Running (Nya Fehe)
- The Talking Fish (Asem Usem Iyak)
- Let's Dance (Yak Inek Unek)
- Uwa the Peacock (Eki Ko Inuen Uwa)
- The Tortoise (Nsaha Edem Ikit)
- Woman of Substance (Awuwan Itiaba)
- Prodigal Son (Ayen Ake Feheke)
- Got to Move, Got to Get Out! (Ana Nkpong ana Nwuoro)
- Ibibio Spiritual
Live at Earth
- I Need You to Be Sweet Like Sugar (Nnge Nte Suka)
- The Talking Fish (Asem Usem Iyak)
- Nyak Mien
- The Chant (Iquo Isang)
- Wanna Come Down
- Just Go Forward (Ka I So)
- I Know That You’re Thinking About Me
- Tell Me (Doko Mien)
- Give Me a Reason
- Power of 3
- Let’s Dance (Yak Inek Unek)
- Trance Dance
- Encore
- Basquiat