Horace Silver Songtexte
Red Beans And Rice
Geboren am 02. September 1928, Gestorben am 18. Juni 2014
Miles Davis All Stars
Miles Davis Quartet
Horace Silver Sextet
Hank Mobley Quartet
Horace Silver Quartet
The Horace Silver Quintet
The United States of Mind (Compilation)
Mehr Songtexte

- The Walk a Round
- Look Up and Down Song
- Where You At?
- Horace-Scope
- Me & My Baby
- Blowin' the Blues Away
- The St. Vitus Dance
- Break City
- Let's Get to the Nitty Gritty
- Sweet Sweetie Dee
- The Dragon Lady
- Nineteen Bars
- Ecorah
- Swingin' the Samba
- Bonita
- Mo' Joe
- Sophisticated Hippie
- Calcutta Cutie
- The Kicker
- Sanctimonious Sam
- Sighin' and Cryin'
- Silver Treads Among My Soul
- The Lady From JJohannesburg
- Mexician Hip Dance
- Serenade to a Soul Sister
- Creepin' In
- To Whom It May Concern
- Hankerin'
- Flithy McNasty
- It Ain't S'Posed To Be Like That
- Kiss Me Right
- The Theme: Cool Eyes
- No Smokin'
- The Back Beat
- Camouflage
- Virgo
- Psychedelic Sally
- Rain Dance
- Jungle Juice
- Kinder Spirits
- Mary Lou
- Blue Silver
- Grease Piece
- Dimples
- Psychedlic Sally
- Self Portrait No. 1
- Dayin, Day Out
- Howabout You
- African Ascension Part 1 The Gods Of The Yoruba
- African Ascension, Part 1: The Gods of the Yoruba
- Doin' the Thing (outro)
- Filthy McNasty (intro)
- 6 Pieces of Silver - 1956 cont.: For Heaven's Sake
- Horace-scope - 1960: Strollin'
- Blowin' The Blues Away - 1959 cont.: The Baghdad Blues
- The Stylings of Silver - 1957: Soulville
- Finger Poppin' - 1959: You Happened My Way
- Blowin' The Blues Away - 1959 cont.: Melancholy Mood
- Finger Poppin' - 1959: Mellow D
- Further Explorations - 1958: Moon Rays
- Horace Silver and the Jazz Messengers - 1955: Stop Time
- Horace Silver and the Jazz Messengers - 1955: Creepin' In
- Blowin' The Blues Away - 1959: Blowin' The Blues Away
- The Stylings of Silver - 1957: Metamorphosis
- 6 Pieces of Silver - 1956: Camouflage
- Blowin' The Blues Away - 1959 cont.: Peace
- Horace-scope - 1960: Where You At?
- 6 Pieces of Silver - 1956: Virgo
- Finger Poppin' - 1959: Sweet Stuff
- Further Explorations - 1958 cont.: Safari
- The Stylings of Silver - 1957: The Backbeat
- Horace-scope - 1960: Nica's Dream
- Horace Silver and the Jazz Messengers - 1955: To Whom It May Concern
- Horace-scope - 1960: Horace-scope
- Horace Silver and the Jazz Messengers - 1955: Room 608
- Blowin' The Blues Away - 1959: Break City
- Further Explorations - 1958: The Outlaw
- 6 Pieces of Silver - 1956: Enchantment
- Finger Poppin' - 1959: Swingin' The Samba
- The Stylings of Silver - 1957: Homecookin'
- Horace-scope - 1960: Me And My Baby
- Finger Poppin' - 1959: Finger Poppin'
- The Stylings of Silver - 1957: My One And Only Love
- 6 Pieces of Silver - 1956: Senor Blues
- Horace-scope - 1960: Yeah
- Further Explorations - 1958: Melancholy Mood
- Horace Silver and the Jazz Messengers - 1955: Doodlin'
- Further Explorations - 1958 cont.: Ill Wind
- Horace-scope - 1960: Without You
- Horace Silver and the Jazz Messengers - 1955: Hankerin'
- Finger Poppin' - 1959: Juicy Lucy
- Finger Poppin' - 1959: Come On Home
- 6 Pieces of Silver - 1956: Shirl
- Horace Silver and the Jazz Messengers - 1955: The Preacher
- Blowin' The Blues Away - 1959: The St Vitus Dance
- Horace Silver and the Jazz Messengers - 1955: Hippy
- Blowin' The Blues Away - 1959 cont.: Sister Sadie
- The Stylings of Silver - 1957: No Smokin'
- Further Explorations - 1958: Pyramid
- 6 Pieces of Silver - 1956: Cool Eyes
- Finger Poppin' - 1959: Cookin' at The Continental
- Communication With the Creator
- Progress, Trough Dedication And Discipline
- The Conscious and Its Desire for Change
- Direction Discovered
- The Search For Direction
- Negative Patterns Of The Sub-Conscious
- Blowin’ the Blues Away
- Freeing My Mind
- Out Of The Night (Came You)
- New York Lament
- Mood For Maude
- I Will Always Love You
- The Negative Patterns Of The Sub-Conscious
- Ill Wind
- The Search For Direction/Direction Discovered
- The Gringo/The Theme: Cool Eyes
- Cool Eyes (Full Version / Live At Village Gate Club, New York, 1961 / Remastered 2006 / Rudy Van Gelder Edition)
- Mo’ Joe
- Moon Rays
- Creepin'
- Cookin’ at the Continental
- Negative Patterns of the Sub-Conscious / The Conscious and Its Desire for Change
- Strollin
- Love For Sale
- Double Whammy
- Reunion
- Funk In Deep Freeze
- Don't Walk
- Walkin' The Fence
- Startin' From Scratch
- Hank's Prank
- Mobleymania
- Touch And Go
- Just Coolin'
- Ultramarine
- My Sin
- Barrel Of Funk
- Stella-Wise
- Wham And They're Off
- Avila And Tequila
- Fin De L'affaire
- Mobley's Musings
- Base On Balls
- Lower Stratosphere
- The Negative Patterns of the Sub‐Conscious
- New-York Lament