
Herman Melville Songtexte
Fröhliche Weihnachten

Geboren am 01. August 1819, Gestorben am 28. September 1891


  1. Der Affentamp
  2. Die große Armada
  3. Koppheisterwurf
  4. Ahab
  5. Der Anwalt
  6. Die Nadel
  7. Das Schiff
  8. Eidesstattliche Erklärung
  9. Die Muskete
  10. Die Geschichte der "Town-Ho"
  11. Fröhliche Weihnachten
  12. Schubkarren
  13. Im Masttopp
  14. Chowder
  15. Stubb und Flask töten einen Glattwal und plaudern an seiner Leiche
  16. Sein Zeichen
  17. Mitternacht - an der Backsreling
  18. Die Decke
  19. Vermessung des Walskeletts
  20. Der Zimmermann
  21. Die Straße
  22. Ahab und der Zimmermann
  23. Ansage
  24. Das Achterdeck - Ahab und alle
  25. Die Steppdecke
  26. [untitled]
  27. Das grosse Fass zu Heidelburgh
  28. Flensen
  29. Brunnen und Eimer
  30. Die Kanzel
  31. Die "Pequod" trifft die "Delight"
  32. Die Jagd - der dritte Tag
  33. Krill
  34. Das Gasthaus "Zum Walfänger"
  35. Epilog
  36. Die Leine
  37. Biographisches
  38. Mutmaßungen
  39. Auftritt Ahab; zu ihm, Stubb
  40. Moby Dick
  41. Die Kerzen
  42. Horch!
  43. Die "Pequod" begegnet der "Bachelor"
  44. An der Kajütstafel
  45. Der Schmied
  46. Bein und Arm. Die "Pequod" aus Nantucket trifft die "Samuel Enderby" aus London
  47. Kalmare
  48. Sonnenuntergang
  49. Die Tranöfen
  50. Nantucket
  51. Eine Laube auf den Arsakiden
  52. Schemen
  53. Verstauen und Aufklaren
  54. Der Verstoßene
  55. Die Jagd - der erste Tag
  56. Die "Albatros"
  57. Erstmals in den Booten
  58. Stubbs Mahl
  59. Wortkunde
  60. Ahabs Boot und Mannschaft. Fedallah
  61. Frühstück
  62. Cetelogie
  63. Die Hyäne
  64. Die Kirche
  65. Reger Betrieb
  66. Ritter und Knappen
  67. Der Prophet
  68. Ungeheuerliche Zerrbilder von Walen
  69. Festfisch und Losfisch
  70. Die "Pequod" begegnet der "Rosenknospe"
  71. Der Springbrunnen
  72. Dämmerung
  73. Der Hut
  74. Die Esse
  75. Ein Händedruck
  76. Queequeg in seinem Sarg
  77. Ahab und Starbuck in der Kajüte
  78. Amber
  79. Der Quadrant
  80. Stubb tötet einen Wal
  81. Die Seekarte
  82. Der Geisterspaut
  83. Die Walwache
  84. Die "Pequod" begegnet der "Rachel"
  85. Mab, die Feenkönigin
  86. Der Ramadan
  87. Des Glattwals Kopf
  88. Die Symphonie
  89. Die "Pequod" trifft die "Jungfrau"
  90. Ein Busenfreund
  91. Des Pottwals Kopf
  92. Es geht an Bord
  93. Die Rettungsboje
  94. Die Predigt
  95. Die Reisetasche
  96. Der Stille Ozean
  97. Ahabs Bein
  98. Das Haifischgemetzel
  99. Der Wal als Speisefisch
  100. Weniger fehlerhafte Bilder von Walen
  101. Das Weiß des Wals
  102. Die Geschichte der "Jerobeam"
  103. Das Gam
  104. Die Prärie
  105. Die Jagd - der zweite Tag
  106. Ruhm und Ehre des Walfangs
  107. Receiving the top-maul from Starbuck...
  108. Chapter 12: Biographical
  109. Now when I looked about the quarter-deck...
  110. Chapter 72: The Monkey-Rope
  111. ‘With this sin of disobedience in him...’
  112. In shape, the Sleets crows-nest...
  113. Chapter 40: Midnight, Forecastle
  114. Chapter 25: Postscript
  115. Whether that mattress was stuffed...
  116. In a word the Whale was seized and sold...
  117. Chapter 121: Midnight – The Forecastle Bulwarks
  118. So seemed it to me, as I stood at her helm...
  119. Chapter 18: His Mark
  120. But granting all this...
  121. Chapter 77: The Great Heidelburgh Tun
  122. Chapter 96: The Try-Works
  123. Before lowering the boat for the chase...
  124. First of all was Queequeg...
  125. Chapter 46: Surmises
  126. Chapter 11: Nightgown
  127. Chapter 53: The Gam
  128. Chapter 75: The Right Whale’s Head – Contrasted View
  129. While the two headsmen were engaged...
  130. Chapter 126: The Life-Buoy
  131. Now, as many Sperm Whales had been captured...
  132. Chapter 128: The Pequod Meets The Rachel
  133. Receiving the brimming pewter...
  134. ‘I crush the quadrant, the thunder turns the needles...’
  135. Chapter 43: Hark!
  136. ‘Now Jonah’s Captain shipmates...’
  137. Chapter 19: The Prophet
  138. Chapter 54: The Town-Ho’s Story
  139. Chapter 61: Stubb Kills a Whale
  140. In that up and down manly book...
  141. Chapter 97: The Lamp
  142. The lost life-buoy was now to be replaced…
  143. Chapter 83: Jonah Historically Regarded
  144. Chapter 36: The Quarter-Deck
  145. Now, in his heart, Ahab had some glimpse...
  146. Until the whale fishery rounded Cape Horn...
  147. With a prodigious noise the door flew open...
  148. ‘Hark ye yet again – the little lower layer...’
  149. But far beneath this wondrous world...
  150. Chapter 98: Stowing Down and Clearing Up
  151. Chapter 95: The Cassock
  152. But there were still other and more vital...
  153. Bethink thee of the albatross...
  154. ‘Yes, I may as well,’ said the surgeon coolly...
  155. Chapter 76: The Battering-Ram
  156. Five great motions are peculiar to it...
  157. This done, Perth was about to begin welding...
  158. Fifth: As in the ordinary floating posture...
  159. Moving on, I at last came to a dim sort...
  160. Chapter 10: A Bosom Friend
  161. Chapter 7: The Chapel
  162. But here is an artist.
  163. Chapter 93: The Castaway
  164. Now in order to hold direct communication...
  165. Chapter 50: Ahab’s Boat and Crew. Fedallah
  166. Chapter 71: The Jeroboam’s Story
  167. Chapter 55: Of the Monstrous Pictures of Whales
  168. Chapter 23: The Lee Shore
  169. Chapter 9: The Sermon
  170. ‘Oh Starbuck! it is a mild, mild wind...’
  171. With one intent all the combined rival boats...
  172. Chapter 3: The Spouter-Inn
  173. ‘Look here. Friend,’ said I...
  174. In obedience to a sign from Ahab...
  175. What of it, if some old hunks of a sea-captain...
  176. I now screwed my eyes hard...
  177. Chapter 57: Of Whales in Paint; in Teeth; in Wood...
  178. It has been said that the whale only breathes...
  179. Chapter 123: The Musket
  180. Chapter 14: Nantucket
  181. Duodecimoes
  182. Chapter 38: Dusk
  183. Chapter 113: The Forge
  184. But supposing the invader of domestic bliss...
  185. Yet the voice spake true...
  186. Meanwhile, all the boats tore on.
  187. Chapter 39: First Night Watch
  188. Chapter 29: Enter Ahab; to Him, Stubb
  189. But, as yet, Stubb heeded not the mumblings...
  190. They say that men who have seen the world...
  191. Chapter 78: Cistern and Buckets
  192. But look at the godly, honest, unostentatious...
  193. For a moment I stood a little puzzled...
  194. Chapter 131: The Pequod Meets The Delight
  195. Almost in the same instant...
  196. Crossing this dusky entry...
  197. Chapter 26: Knights and Squires
  198. At last the anchor was up...
  199. I have hinted that I would often...
  200. So powerfully did the whole grim aspect...
  201. But even stripped of these supernatural surmisings...
  202. Or what is there apart from the traditions...
  203. ‘No fairy fingers can have pressed the gold...’
  204. The harpoon dropped from his hand.
  205. Chapter 74: The Sperm Whale’s Head – Contrasted View
  206. Chapter 60: The Line
  207. Chapter 79: The Prairie
  208. But, at last, when turning to the eastward...
  209. In old Harris’s collection of voyages...
  210. Seeing now that but a very few moments more...
  211. ‘Terrors upon terrors run shouting through his soul.’
  212. Chapter 91: The Pequod Meets the Rosebud
  213. Chapter 69: The Funeral
  214. ‘During the night, Radney had an unseamanlike way...’
  215. Chapter 35: The Mast-Head
  216. Chapter 65: The Whale as a Dish
  217. Now the various species of whales need...
  218. It seemed that the Jeroboam had not long left home...
  219. Chapter 135: The Chase – Third Day
  220. Now, Bildad, I am sorry to say...
  221. Chapter 15: Chowder
  222. But I had not proceeded far...
  223. But when three or four days had slided by...
  224. Chapter 133: The Chase – First Day
  225. Chapter 101: The Decanter
  226. Almost simultaneously, with a mighty volition...
  227. Chapter 32: Cetology
  228. Chapter 1: Loomings
  229. ‘I see nothing here, but a round thing made of gold...’
  230. Chapter 68: The Blanket
  231. Chapter 109: Ahab and Starbuck in the Cabin
  232. If moody Ahab was now all quiescence...
  233. Chapter 22: Merry Christmas
  234. Chapter 107: The Carpenter
  235. Chapter 48: The First Lowering
  236. Chapter 73: Stubb and Flask Kill a Right Whale
  237. ‘Stand by, men; he stirs,’ cried Starbuck...
  238. Chapter 105: Does the Whale’s Magnitude Diminish?
  239. Meanwhile, as we thus lay entranced...
  240. The rigging lived.
  241. Now, when with Royal Tranquo I visited...
  242. Chapter 59: Squid
  243. Chapter 41: Moby-Dick
  244. Chapter 110: Queequeg in his Coffin
  245. As I sat there in that now lonely room...
  246. Chapter 16: The Ship
  247. All whaleboats carry certain curious contrivances...
  248. But ere this was done, Pip, who had been...
  249. But why was it, think ye, that the Samuel Enderby...
  250. Chapter 119: The Candles
  251. They cease dancing and gather in clusters.
  252. Chapter 114: The Gilder
  253. So soon as he recovered himself...
  254. ‘Quitting the pump at last...’
  255. Detached broken fossils...
  256. Chapter 49: The Hyena
  257. Whether to admit Hercules among us or not...
  258. Now take away the awful fear...
  259. ‘I left off, gentlemen, where the Lakeman...’
  260. Epilogue
  261. Chapter 122: Midnight Aloft – Thunder and Lightning
  262. Meanwhile Stubb, betrayed on such far-gazing...
  263. Chapter 115: The Pequod Meets The Bachelor
  264. Chapter 132: The Symphony
  265. Soon, while the crews were awaiting the arrival...
  266. Chapter 44: The Chart
  267. Chapter 45: The Affidavit
  268. Book 1 (Folio) Chapter 1: (Sperm Whale)
  269. Chapter 103: Measurement of the Whale’s Skeleton
  270. Chapter 8: The Pulpit
  271. There was a circumstance which at first sight...
  272. Chapter 129: The Cabin
  273. However, a warm savory steam from the kitchen...
  274. Chapter 47: The Mat-Maker
  275. Chapter 17: The Ramadan
  276. Nor is it at all prudent for the hunter...
  277. Now, as the lightning rod to a spire on shore...
  278. Not a man of the crew gave him up...
  279. Chapter 85: The Fountain
  280. A great pity, now...
  281. What a relief it was to choking Stubb...
  282. Chapter 116: The Dying Whale
  283. ‘I was never served so before...’
  284. In connection with this appellative...
  285. At last, passage paid and luggage safe...
  286. But you must look at this matter in every light.
  287. While the two crews were yet circling in the waters...
  288. Chapter 104: The Fossil Whale
  289. At some old gable-roofed country houses...
  290. Chapter 67: Cutting In
  291. Octavoes
  292. Chapter 125: The Log and Line
  293. Now, as it shortly turned out...
  294. Chapter 99: The Doubloon
  295. But thoughts like these troubled very few...
  296. Chapter 82: The Honour and Glory of Whaling
  297. Chapter 102: A Bower in the Arsacides
  298. Chapter 64: Stubb’s Supper
  299. This account cleared up the otherwise...
  300. Chapter 111: The Pacific
  301. The following are extracts from Chace’s narrative.
  302. ‘It was not more than a day or two...’
  303. Chapter 34: The Cabin-Table
  304. But one thing nevertheless...
  305. Meanwhile, whatever were his own secret thoughts...
  306. Let me make a clean breast of it here...
  307. Upon this, Fleece, holding both hands over the fishy mob...
  308. Chapter 108: Ahab and the Carpenter
  309. But the ear of the whale is full as curious as the eye.
  310. ‘Oh! thou clear spirit of clear fire...’
  311. The Forty-barrel-bull schools...
  312. ‘Lakeman! Buffalo!...’
  313. Chapter 86: The Tail
  314. Chapter 134: The Chase – Second Day
  315. Who Garnery the painter is, or was, I know not.
  316. Chapter 90: Heads or Tails
  317. By this time their destined victim appeared...
  318. A gentle joyousness...
  319. Now, while discoursing of sperm...
  320. It was a sight to see Queequeg seated...
  321. ‘Ere the cry could go aft...’
  322. ‘At sunrise he summoned all hands...’
  323. Chapter 51: The Spirit-Spout
  324. Chapter 120: The Deck Towards the End of the First Night Watch
  325. Chapter 62: The Dart
  326. Chapter 2: The Carpet-Bag
  327. And now, while both elastic gunwales were springing...
  328. ‘Start her, start her, my men!’
  329. Chapter 106: Ahab’s Leg
  330. Chapter 6: The Street
  331. Chapter 127: The Deck
  332. These pleadings and the counter pleadings...
  333. So down we went into the cabin...
  334. Chapter 5: Breakfast
  335. Chapter 87: The Grand Armada
  336. Look ye, carpenter, I dare say thou callest...
  337. But thou sayest, methinks this white-lead chapter...
  338. It may seem unwarrantable to couple in any respect...
  339. Chapter 124: The Needle
  340. Chapter 33: The Specksynder
  341. Chapter 30: The Pipe
  342. He had been originally nurtured...
  343. ‘It was the first time in my life...’
  344. Chapter 81: The Pequod Meets The Virgin
  345. Chapter 84: Pitchpoling
  346. Chapter 37: Sunset
  347. The boats were then hailed...
  348. Chapter 27: Knights and Squires
  349. The old man’s hinted thought was true...
  350. Chapter 118: The Quadrant
  351. It is not probable that this monomania...
  352. Chapter 42: The Whiteness of The Whale
  353. But there are other instances...
  354. Chapter 56: Of the Less Erroneous Pictures...
  355. A word or two more concerning this matter...
  356. The schooner was run into the wind...
  357. Presently a rioting noise was heard without.
  358. But again he leaned over towards the people...
  359. Chapter 70: The Sphynx
  360. Chapter 92: Ambergris
  361. ‘At sunrise the Captain went forward...’
  362. Chapter 31: Queen Mab
  363. Chapter 117: The Whale Watch
  364. As for the sign-painters’ whales seen in the streets...
  365. Chapter 88: Schools and Schoolmasters
  366. Chapter 13: Wheelbarrow
  367. ‘In good time, the Town-Ho reached her port...’
  368. Chapter 28: Ahab
  369. ‘He would have shot me once...’
  370. Chapter 20: All Astir
  371. It is often the case that when a boat is stove...
  372. With memories like these in him...
  373. I do not know where I can find a better place...
  374. Chapter 112: The Blacksmith
  375. Chapter 80: The Nut
  376. Diving beneath the settling ship...
  377. Chapter 94: The Squeeze of the Hand
  378. Chapter 100: Leg and Arm
  379. ‘Oh, my Captain! my Captain!’
  380. Chapter 52: The Albatross
  381. Chapter 58: Brit
  382. Chapter 24: The Advocate
  383. A whole hour now passed...
  384. Chapter 63: The Crotch
  385. Chapter 4: The Counterpane
  386. Chapter 66: The Shark Massacre
  387. I now took the measure of the bench...
  388. Now as I before hinted, I have no objection...
  389. Chapter 21: Going Aboard
  390. Chapter 89: Fast-Fish and Loose-Fish
  391. Chapter 130: The Hat
  392. Dem Äquator entgegen
  393. Tödliche Kraft
  394. Getroffen!
  395. Die Golddublone
  396. Elmsfeuer
  397. Gnade vor Recht
  398. Spione des Satans
  399. Die Schatten an Bord der “Albatros”
  400. Die Todesschlinge
  401. Der verlorene Sohn
  402. Kapitän Ahab
  403. Teil 4
  404. Teil 3
  405. Teil 6
  406. Teil 5
  407. Teil 8
  408. Teil 7
  409. Teil 2
  410. Teil 1
  411. Teil 9


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