Heresy Songtexte
Flowers in Concrete
Gründung 1985, Auflösung am 14. Dezember 1988
Steve Ballam
Stephen Charlesworth
Mitchell Dickinson
John March
Kalvin Piper
Voice Your Opinion: Discography, Part One (Compilation)
- Acceptance
- Make the Connection
- Trapped in a Scene
- Network of Friends
- Conform
- Standing Hard
- The Way Forward
- Too Close to Home
- Flowers in Concrete
- Belief
- Stand Proud
- Dedication From Inspiration
- Against the Grain
- Sick of Stupidity
- Believing in a Lie
- Build Up - Knock Down
- Too Soon to Judge
- A Sense of Freedom
- Never Healed
- Despair
- Death Bitter
- Anguish of War
- More Blood Is Shed
- Dead
Mehr Songtexte

- Believing in a Lie
- Build Up - Knock Down
- Death Bitter
- Everyone Madness
- Into the Gray
- Break the Connection / Ghettoised
- Release, Ghettoised
- Into the Grey (John Peel session 1988)
- The Street Enters the House (John Peel session 1988)
- Believing a Lie (demo)
- Face Up to It! (John Peel session 1988)
- Everyday Madness Everyday (John Peel session 1989)
- Cornered Rat (demo)
- Cornered Rat (John Peel session 1988)
- Too Close to Home (demo)
- The Way Forward (demo)
- Face Up to It! (demo)
- Into the Grey (demo)
- Break the Connection (John Peel session 1989)
- Consume (John Peel session 1988)
- The Street Enters the House (demo)
- Network Ends (John Peel session 1989)
- Deication From Inspiration (demo)
- Release (John Peel session 1989)
- Against the Grain (demo)
- When Unity Becomes Solidarity (demo)
- Consume (demo)
- Ghettoized
- Deathbitter
- Open Up (D.Y.S.)
- Unity-Solidarity?
- Deication From Inspiration
- Face Up to It!