Helynt & GameChops Songtexte
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- Sidon
- Lon Lon Ranch
- Seaside Kingdom
- Goodbye Yoshi
- Nuvema Town
- Zelda’s Lullaby
- To Hateno Village
- Toad Town
- Azalea Town
- Zora’s Domain
- Breath of The Wild
- Megalovania
- Pokémon Gym
- Great Fairy
- Sheik’s Theme
- Saria’s Song (Lost Woods)
- Pokémon Lofi Center
- Ballad of the Goddess
- Outer Wilds
- Hearthome City
- Dire Docks Reprise
- Bayou Boogie
- Twilight Field
- Minuet of Forest
- Phendrana Drifts
- Gerudo Valley
- Skyloft
- Spirit Tracks
- Grandma’s Theme
- Mabe Village
- Milk Bar
- Wind Fish
- Do You Remember?
- Aryll
- Prelude of Light
- Tears of The Synthwave