- Pranayama
- Pure Peace
- Fountain of Dreams
- Courting Magic
- The Magpie and the Statue
- Winter's Garden
- Just For Today
- Watching the Sky
- Sleeping Sun
- Twilight
- Heavenly Ki
- Solace
- Candelight Breeze
- Invisible Healing
- Dancing in the Shadow
- Here Comes the Storm (30 seconds)
- Hit the Road
- Hit the Road (30 seconds)
- North Dakota Boy
- Passion: Into Eternity
- The Open Road
- Heaven Knows (underscore)
- The Perpetual Bachelor (30 seconds)
- On the Moon (underscore)
- Mudslide (30 seconds)
- Mudslide (underscore)
- Embrace
- On the Moon
- Nothing to Lose (30 seconds)
- Darkness All Around
- North Dakota Boy (underscore)
- Darkness All Around (underscore)
- The Perpetual Bachelor (underscore)
- On the Moon (30 seconds)
- Heaven Knows
- The Seventh Son (30 seconds)
- Darkness All Around (30 seconds)
- The Open Road (30 seconds)
- Mudslide
- The Perpetual Bachelor
- The Seventh Son
- Passion: The Kiss
- Lovers
- Texas Blue
- Here Comes the Storm
- Here Comes the Storm (underscore)
- Nothing to Lose
- Heaven Knows (30 seconds)
- Texas Blue (30 seconds)
- Nothing to Lose (underscore)
- Hit the Road (underscore)
- The Seventh Son (underscore)
- North Dakota Boy (30 seconds)
- The Open Road (underscore)
- The Flying Dream
- Texas Blue (underscore)
- Waves From Heaven
- Eternal Chi
- Flow Motion
- Earth
- The Gentle Energy
- Savasana
- Prana for peace
- The holistic channel
- Healing from within
- Ana pana
- Soul meridian
- Unity
- The Plains
- Under the Stars
- Flowers in the Field
- Infinite Space
- Candlelight Breeze
- The Closeness of Distance