Harumi Fujita Songtexte
Geboren 1961
PULSTAR (Soundtrack)
- Mission (Title Demo) [AES]
- Strain (Start Demo) [AES]
- Back Alive (Stage 1) [AES]
- Cry Out Enemy (Stage Boss) [AES]
- Stirring (Stage Clear) [AES]
- Seen Through (Stage 2) [AES]
- Wrath of Earth (Stage 3) [AES]
- The Jupiter Spirit (Stage 3 Boss) [AES]
- Cheer Up (Stage 4) [AES]
- Forest of Planet (Stage 5) [AES]
- Foul Smell (Stage 6) [AES]
- Dark Nebula - Ankoku Seiun (Stage 7) [AES]
- End of War (Stage 8) [AES]
- Galactic Ruler (Final Stage - Final Boss) [AES]
- Revive (Ending) [AES]
- Ocean War (Continue) [AES]
- Game Over [AES]
- Head Waver (Name Entry) [AES]
- Mission (Title Demo) [CD]
- Strain (Start Demo) [CD]
- Back Alive (Stage 1) [CD]
- Cry Out Enemy (Stage Boss) [CD]
- Stirring (Stage Clear) [CD]
- Seen Through (Stage 2) [CD]
- Wrath of Earth (Stage 3) [CD]
- The Jupiter Spirit (Stage 3 Boss) [CD]
- Cheer Up (Stage 4) [CD]
- Forest of Planet (Stage 5) [CD]
- Foul Smell (Stage 6) [CD]
- Dark Nebula - Ankoku Seiun (Stage 7) [CD]
- End of War (Stage 8) [CD]
- Galactic Ruler (Final Stage - Final Boss) [CD]
- Revive (Ending) [CD]
- Ocean War (Continue) [CD]
- Game Over [CD]
- Head Waver (Name Entry) [CD]
Tomba! Special Edition Soundtrack
Original Soundtrack
- Title Screen
- Options Menu
- Prologue Demo
- Village of All Beginnings
- The Expanding World
- Blow Away the Mist
- 100 Year Old Man's Hut
- 100 Year Old Man's Story
- Dwarf Forest
- Dwarf Village
- Take a Peek
- Mushroom Forest
- Mansion
- Phoenix Mountain
- King of the Sky 1
- Baccus Village
- Haunted Mansion 1
- Baccus Lake
- Underground Sewers
- Lava Caves
- Evil Pig Boss
- Stormy Mountain
- Leaf Slider
- Quiet the Flame
- Phoenix Mountain (Purified)
- King of the Sky 2
- Deep Jungle
- Village of Civilization
- Clock Tower
- Lumberjack Factory
- Iron Castle
- Machine of Civilization
- Haunted Mansion 2
- Witch Mizuno
- Dirt Motocross
- The Mermaid's Singing Rock
- Trick Village
- Deep Jungle (Purified)
- Karakuri Village
- Clear Sky
- Flower Forest
- Dwarf Village (Purified)
- Million Tower
- Top of the Million Tower
- Underground Maze
- Final Evil Pig Boss
- Peace That Came
- Tomba's Farewell
- Event Clear
Special Edition
- Opening (Special Edition)
- Title Screen
- Options Menu
- Prologue Demo
- Village of All Beginnings
- The Expanding World
- Blow Away the Mist
- 100 Year Old Man's Hut
- 100 Year Old Man's Story
- Dwarf Forest
- Dwarf Village
- Take a Peek
- Mushroom Forest
- Mansion
- Phoenix Mountain
- King of the Sky 1
- Baccus Village
- Haunted Mansion 1
- Baccus Lake
- Underground Sewers
- Lava Caves
- Evil Pig Boss
- Stormy Mountain
- Leaf Slider
- Quiet the Flame
- Phoenix Mountain (Purified)
- King of the Sky 2
- Deep Jungle
- Village of Civilization
- Clock Tower
- Lumberjack Factory
- Iron Castle
- Machine of Civilization
- Haunted Mansion 2
- Witch Mizuno
- Dirt Motocross
- The Mermaid's Singing Rock
- Trick Village
- Deep Jungle (Purified)
- Karakuri Village
- Clear Sky
- Flower Forest
- Dwarf Village (Purified)
- Million Tower
- Top of the Million Tower
- Underground Maze
- Final Evil Pig Boss
- Peace That Came
- Tomba's Farewell
- Event Clear
- Ending (Special Edition)
Mehr Songtexte

- S.E. Collection
- Estel: Round 1
- Estel: Round 2
- Haunted Mansion (Purified)
- Lava Caves (Purified)
- Haunted Mansion (Near Baccus Lake)
- Witch Mizuno's House
- [unknown]
- Zone A, C & E
- Game Over
- Ending
- Miss
- Title
- Stage Clear
- Boss
- Zone 0
- Zone F, H & I
- Bonus Round
- Zone B
- Zone D
- Invincible
- Zone J
- Zone G
- Map
- Oh Hi, What Buy?