Celebrating 50 Glorious Years (Compilation)
- Megaphone (von Hamish and Andy)
- Double Up Blast From The Past (von Hamish and Andy)
- The Old Internet Sound (von Hamish and Andy)
- Spying (von Hamish and Andy)
- Drunk Gorillas (von Hamish and Andy)
- Apple Store Dad (von Hamish and Andy)
- Chilean Miners (von Hamish and Andy)
- Big Dog Genitals (von Hamish and Andy)
- The Treadmill Saga (von Hamish and Andy)
- Canetoads (von Hamish and Andy)
- Criminal Mastermind Lotto Ticket (von Hamish and Andy)
- Flying Cars (von Hamish and Andy)
- Andy Loses His Front Teeth (von Hamish and Andy)
- The Ultimate I Told You So (von Hamish and Andy)
- Another Injury (von Hamish and Andy)
- Cow man (von Hamish and Andy)
- The Tooth Fairy (von Hamish and Andy)
- Horgs’ Inventions (von Hamish and Andy)
- K Rudd’s Plan (von Hamish and Andy)
- The Breast Rest (von Hamish and Andy)
- Fish and Chips Password (von Hamish and Andy)
- Eating Special Things (von Hamish and Andy)
- Swim Up Bar (von Hamish and Andy)
- Recruiting For Santas (von Hamish and Andy)
- The Vague Out (von Hamish and Andy)
- John Stamos (von Hamish and Andy)
- Old Signatures (von Hamish and Andy)
- The Ultimate Chick Flick (von Hamish and Andy)
- Misdirected Text Messages (von Hamish and Andy)
- Andy’s a Cyborg (von Hamish and Andy)
- Swine Flu (von Hamish and Andy)
- Cyclone Hamish (von Hamish and Andy)
- Andy’s Potty Mouth (von Hamish and Andy)
- Bad Present (von Hamish and Andy)
- Cheese Twisties (von Hamish and Andy)
- Skip Scavengers (von Hamish and Andy)
- Ladyfingers (von Hamish and Andy)
- David Attenborough (von Hamish and Andy)
- Baha Men The Musical (von Hamish and Andy)
- Mobile Phone Use (von Hamish and Andy)
- Baby Showers (von Hamish and Andy)
- Odour Eating (von Hamish and Andy)
- Poor Man’s Version (von Hamish and Andy)
- Family Suggestions (von Hamish and Andy)
- Sexy Cricket (von Hamish and Andy)
- Fake Names (von Hamish and Andy)
- High Level Perving (von Hamish and Andy)
- Hamish’s Top 40 CD (von Hamish and Andy)
- Take The Snake Debate (von Hamish and Andy)
- Andy’s Mum’s Message (von Hamish and Andy)
- Antiques Roadshow (von Hamish and Andy)
- Who’s Milhouse and Who’s Bart (von Hamish and Andy)
- Scary Puppets (von Hamish and Andy)
- EA Sports (von Hamish and Andy)
- Criminal Mastermind Sydney Roosters (von Hamish and Andy)
- A Dog In The School (von Hamish and Andy)
- Turtle Weapon (von Hamish and Andy)
- Randy Russell Brand (von Hamish and Andy)
- Heidi Klum’s Body (von Hamish and Andy)
- Andy Made It (von Hamish and Andy)
- Girlfriend Holiday (von Hamish and Andy)
- Easter Bonnet Parades (von Hamish and Andy)
- Energy Company (von Hamish and Andy)
- Blast From The Past Dirt Bike (von Hamish and Andy)
- Hamish Revisits Scotland (von Hamish and Andy)
- Futuristic Toilet (von Hamish and Andy)
- Baby Names (von Hamish and Andy)
- The Greatest Prank Ever (von Hamish and Andy)
- Car Steering (von Hamish and Andy)
- Goodbye My Google (von Hamish and Andy)
- Nicknames (von Hamish and Andy)
- Diamond Scrimping (von Hamish and Andy)
- Teaching Kids (von Hamish and Andy)
- Pete Hellier Double Bluff Prank (von Hamish and Andy)
- Hamish’s Weight (von Hamish and Andy)
- Adobe Stitch Up (von Hamish and Andy)
- Bad Smell (von Hamish and Andy)
- Door Alarm (von Hamish and Andy)
- Sick Voices (von Hamish and Andy)
- The Big Pineapple (von Hamish and Andy)
- Love Knows No AGe (von Hamish and Andy)
- Pants Off Jack (von Hamish and Andy)
- Whitney Houston (von Hamish and Andy)
- Moving Out Present (von Hamish and Andy)
- Large Hadron Collider (von Hamish and Andy)
- Caravan of Courage 2 (von Hamish and Andy)
- Van Attachment (von Hamish and Andy)
- Fred Basset In The Future (von Hamish and Andy)
- Unessential Bits (von Hamish and Andy)
Unessential Listening (Compilation)
- High Arse Crack
- Adam And Eve
- Albino Song
- Inflight Magazine
- Daarvid
- Hill Related Sayings
- Red Headucation Week
- Blast From The Past: Andy's A Woman
- Kamahl Calls From Heaven
- Upset Girlfriends
- Edward Scissorhands The Musical
- Shopkeeper's Trick
- The Worst Lyrics Of All Time
- Greg's Dog
- Rent-A-Baby
- Eating Plan
- Telemarketers
- Science
- Bum Roll On
- $360 Billion Cheque
- Defending The Base In Afghanistan
- Cats
- Party Fouls
- Jack's Betrayal
- Airport Toilets
- Supporting Call Centres
- Horg's Inventions
- John Farnham The Musical
- Hab's
- Dad's Vendetta
- The Aussie Star Wars
- Sex Excuses Song
- Food Delivery
- Blast From The Past: Hamish's Urine Sample
- Nanny
- Ghost At The Palace Hotel
- The Pope-Mobile
- Ribena Berry Apology
- Pamela Anderson
- The Happy Country & Western Song
- Bad Management Fads
- The First Ever Radio Prank
- Andy's Deposit
- Save The Pandas
- Hottest 100 Ads
- John Bucknell Trio
- Shops Closing
- Security Guards
- Faker Song
- Horgs' Thoughts
- Shooting Cannons In Afghanistan
- Love Songs And Dedications
- Blast From The Past: Andy Is A Lord
- Moosie's Affair
- Dentist
- 5 Second Memory Call
- Boonie
- Phone Flirt
- Hamish & Andy Are Music
- Awesome April Fools Day Prank
- Jingles
- The People's Chip
- Todd McKenney's Defence
- Lisp
- Lie Detector Test
- Name & Shame Game
- Cure For Cancer
- Adopt An Attention Seeker
- Beijing Ceremony
- Honest Love Song
- Memoirs Of A Geezer
- Fosca
- Two Voices One Person Call
- Steve Curry's Logie Hunt
- Lying Instructional Video
- Adult Toy Party
- Hi-Tech Pope
- Box Hedges
- Blast From The Past: Hamish's Psychic Prediction
- Nurse
- Pete Blanks
- Japanese Soft Ball
- Photo Surprise
- Ray Martin's Not Boring
- Black & Gold
- Unessential Bonus Track
Mehr Songtexte

- Andy's Potty Mouth
- Turtle Weapon
- Fred Basset In The Future
- The Breast Rest
- Caravan of Courage 2
- Fish and Chips Password
- Blast From The Past Dirt Bike
- The Vague Out
- Family Suggestions
- Double Up Blast From The Past
- John Stamos
- Cow man
- Diamond Scrimping
- Spying
- Easter Bonnet Parades
- Love Knows No AGe
- Swine Flu
- Take The Snake Debate
- Scary Puppets
- Hamish's Top 40 CD
- The Big Pineapple
- Pete Hellier Double Bluff Prank
- Whitney Houston
- The Old Internet Sound
- The Treadmill Saga
- Eating Special Things
- A Dog In The School
- Flying Cars
- Pants Off Jack
- Cheese Twisties
- David Attenborough
- Hamish's Weight
- The Tooth Fairy
- Apple Store Dad
- Another Injury
- Sick Voices
- Antiques Roadshow
- Baha Men The Musical
- High Level Perving
- Chilean Miners
- K Rudd's Plan
- Canetoads
- Hamish Revisits Scotland
- Andy's Mum's Message
- Bad Smell
- Baby Names
- Old Signatures
- The Ultimate I Told You So
- Van Attachment
- Nicknames
- Teaching Kids
- The Greatest Prank Ever
- Unessential Bits
- Poor Man's Version
- Energy Company
- Baby Showers
- The Ultimate Chick Flick
- Mobile Phone Use
- Cyclone Hamish
- Fake Names
- Swim Up Bar
- Car Steering
- Skip Scavengers
- Criminal Mastermind Sydney Roosters
- Moving Out Present
- Adobe Stitch Up
- Andy Loses His Front Teeth
- Who's Milhouse and Who's Bart
- Heidi Klum's Body
- Andy's A Cyborg
- Girlfriend Holiday
- Ladyfingers
- Andy Made It
- Recruiting For Santas
- Odour Eating
- Bad Present
- Sexy Cricket
- Randy Russell Brand
- Goodbye My Google
- Horgs' Inventions
- Door Alarm
- Drunk Gorillas
- EA Sports
- Megaphone
- Misdirected Text Messages
- Big Dog Genitals
- Criminal Mastermind Lotto Ticket
- Futuristic Toilet
- Large Hadron Collider
- There’s A Hole in My Bucket