Morgue Sweet Home
- Mortuary Riot
- Oozing molten gristle
- Midnight Mortician
- Virulent Mass Necropsy
- Funeral Carnage
- Obnoxious (Surgeon of the Dead)
- Exhuming Impulse
- Unlock the Morgue
- Sublime Anatomy of Revenge
- Morgue Sweet Home
- Mangled Surgicasl Epitaph
- The Forensic Requirements
- Dirge of the Sick
- Intavenous Molestation of Obstructionist Arteries (O Pus IV)
- Postnecrotical Slaughter
- Poppy Seed Cake
- The Stench of Burning Death
Scalpel, Scissors… and Other Forensic Instruments (Compilation)
- Decom‐Posers
- Fragments (Anatomical Relics)
- Dissect, Exhume, Devour...
- Torrentlike Eventaration
- Malignat Cancroid Formation
- Intravenous Molestation of Obstructionist Arteries (O‐Pus II)
- Excavating The Iliac Fossa
- Uncontrollable Proliferation of Neoplasm
- Rectovaginal Fistula
- Enshrouded in Putrilage
- Surgery for the Dead
- Slithering Maceration of Ulcerous Facial Tissue
- The Sickening Aroma of a Rectal Carcinoma
- Cirrhoetic Liver Destillation
- Worm‐Infested Cavities
- Zu atrapatu arte
- Extreme Ulceration