Funeral Empire
- Foul Beasts of the Abyss
- Forged in the Fires of War
- The Plague Shall Spill Forth
- The Gates of Hell
- Vanguard of the Styxx
- Prepare the Coffin
- Enslaved Immortality
- Dragonflight
- Decree of Doom
- Tower of Shadows
- Nemesis Legion
- Hail the Victorious Dead
- Evil Blood
- Enter the Apocalypse
- Annihilation Declaration (live)
- Nocturnal Inquisition (live)
- Crown of the Fallen (live)
Into Battle
- Intro
- Abyss Avenger
- Funeral Tyrant
- Crusaders of the Blackest Night
- Pentagram Spell
- I Shall Lead the Legions of Hell
- Possessed by Darkness
- Chaos Warriors
- Deathmarch From the Battlefields
- Brandish the Weapons of Hellish Onslaught
- Heavenfall
- Poisoned Chalice
- Chariots of Triumph
- Progenitors of Wrath
- Legions of Doom
- The Brotherhood
- Killing Machine
- Battle Thrones
- Beasts of Beherit
- A Visitor From the Grave
- Dethroned and Buried