Grant Green Songtexte
Mama Inez
A Walk in the Night
Geboren am 06. Juni 1935, Gestorben am 31. Januar 1979
Idle Moments
5 Original Albums (Compilation)
Idle Moments (1963)
Street Of Dreams (1964)
The Latin Bit (1961)
- Mambo Inn
- Besame Mucho
- Mama Inez
- Brazil
- Tico Tico
- My Little Suede Shoes
- Blues for Juanita
- Grenada
- Hey There
Grant's First Stand (1961)
- Miss Ann's Tempo
- Lullaby of the Leaves
- Blues for Wilarene
- Baby's Minor Lope
- 'Taint Nobody's Business If I Do
- A Wee Bit O' Green