Gospel Unlimited Songtexte
Clap Your Hands and Sing Halleluja
You Raise Me Up
Halleluja! Lobet Gott in seinem Heiligtum
Oh happy day (Solo: André Holz)
Sing Jubilate Deo
Anfang 2001
Christmas unlimited
- Christmas Prelude
- Gloria
- Santa Clause is coming to town
- Jingele Bells
- Let it snow
- Hallelujah, hear the angels sing
- Licht leuchtet auf
- My Lord has come
- Praise be to God
- Christmas Calypso
- Von allen Seiten umgibst Du mich
- Home and the heartland
- Wohin sonst
- You are good
- Until all are fed
- We are the world
- An Irish blessing
- Heaven
- Du bist das Licht