
- Hurricane
- All Our Friends
- Sun Song (B-Side)
- Won't Bring Me Back
- Release Date Trailer (B-Side)
- Even the Tiniest Bugs
- Orderscape
- She's Mine!!!
- The Crater
- Collapse
- The Heart Fairy
- Miriam Fly Away (B-Side)
- Order March (Mom's House)
- Hala
- The King of Hearts (Stunned B-Side)
- Cave Crawlies
- The Journey East
- Hala (Creepy Alt B-Side)
- Lay Down Your Tools
- Happy Little Worker
- This is Really It
- The Border
- Mean Spirit
- Darkest Timeline
- Windscape (alt mix B-Side)
- Sunkiller
- Thunderstorm
- Mohabumi
- Fight the Forest
- The Beast Appears (B-Side)
- My Friend Miriam
- Good People of Langtree (alt arrangement B-Side)
- ACT 4: March of the Happy Factory
- Xiatian
- Please Hold
- Wandersong
- We're the Coffee Pirates (Outro B-Side)
- ACT 6: The Beast at Ichor Mountain
- We Have to Sing!
- Harmony
- The Beast of Dream Castle (alt arrangement B-Side)
- ACT 5: The War twixt Two Kingdoms
- Out of Order
- The King of Hearts
- Sunscape
- Bird Friend (B-Side)
- ACT 7: The Song in the Storm
- Eclipse
- The Bard and the Sadness
- Give Peace a Chance
- Starstorm
- Song of the Wayfarer
- The Journey West
- Dangerous Times
- Everything Changed Forever
- Let's Do Yardwork!
- The Baron
- Subterfuge
- Chismest
- The Beast
- We're The Spell Squad
- The End
- Sky Seals
- Mountain Birds
- Audrey
- Wanderharp (B-Side)
- Happy Kid
- Nightmare King
- Moonscape
- Xiatian (alt B-Side)
- The Bard and the Moon
- Rainbow Girl Dialog Loop (B-Side)
- Farewell