Gershon Kingsley Songtexte
Maven on the Moog #1
Geboren am 28. Oktober 1922, Gestorben am 10. Dezember 2019
The Sounds Of The City
Voices From the Shadow
- Wer zenen mir
- Eyner Aleyn
- Come to Me
- Bombadiers
- My Numbers Is 434
- Ich Moechte Gerne
- Three Vignettes For And By Children: Part I
- Three Vignettes for and by Children: Part II
- Three Vignettes for and by Children: Part III
- The Butterfly
- Schloif majn Kind
- Jeu D'Enfant
- Death Is the Only Escape From Death
- Shpalt zich, Himl
- Maj 1945
- Finale
Voices From the Shadow / Jazz Psalms / Shabbat for Today (excerpts) / Shiru Ladonai (excerpts)
- Voices From the Shadows: Ver zenen mir?
- Voices From the Shadows: Eyner aleyn
- Voices From the Shadows: Come to me
- Voices From the Shadows: Bombardiers
- Voices From the Shadows: My Number is 434
- Voices From the Shadows: Ich mochte gerne...
- Voices From the Shadows: Kindermarchen
- Voices From the Shadows: Theresienstadter Kinderreim
- Voices From the Shadows: Ein Brot
- Voices From the Shadows: The Butterfly
- Voices From the Shadows: Shlof mayn kind
- Voices From the Shadows: Jeu d'enfant
- Voices From the Shadows: Na swojska nute
- Voices From the Shadows: Di eybike trep
- Voices From the Shadows: Segen der Nacht
- Voices From the Shadows: Shpalt zikh, Himl!
- Voices From the Shadows: Maj 1945
- Voices From the Shadows: Finale: Ver zenen mir (reprise)
- Jazz Psalms: Hashkivenu
- Jazz Psalms: Yism'hu
- Shabbat for Today: Bar'khu
- Shabbat for Today: Sh'ma yisra'el
- Shabbat for Today: Mi khamokha
- Shabbat for Today: V'sham'ru
- Shabbat for Today: May the Words of My Mouth
- Shabbat for Today: S'u sh'arim
- Shiru Ladonai: L'kha dodi
- Shiru Ladonai: Hashkivenu
- Shiru Ladonai: Silent Devotion and Yih'yu l'ratzon
- Shiru Ladonai: Vay'khullu
- Shiru Ladonai: Kiddush