93 Days (Soundtrack)
Albion: The Enchanted Stallion (Soundtrack)
- Opening: From Your Spirit
- Riding to Albion
- A Long Time Ago
- Split Personalities
- The Two Tribes
- Wall Creatures and a Little Girl
- Tracked by the Milesians / The Dream
- The River and the Palace
- Mysterious Horses and Kelpies
- Cape and Raindrops
- Gallgaidheal
- The Abbess
- A Friend
- Captured
- The Queen
- Through the Darkest Hours
- Eriu Appears
- A Wonderful Place of Nature
- The Strength to Light Our Way
- Release the Barrier
Cliffs of Freedom (Soundtrack)
- Fabric of History
- Ottoman Patrol
- Valtetsi Village
- Can You Forgive
- Tell Me What You See, Yia Yia
- Return to Tripolitsa
- Sunset Encounter
- Are We Really so Different
- You Know Nothing of My Mother
- Children at the Door
- Anna Christina's Prayer
- Not That Girl Any More
- Joining the Rebellion
- Caravan
- Fog of War
- Reason to Call Upon Him
- Becoming a Legend
- And by My Hand
- It's Not Your Fault
- The Time Has Come
- Cenotaph
- General Kolokotronis
- Freedom or Death
- To Save You from Yourself
- Battle Preparations
- Battle of Valtetsi
- Let the Blade Find the Cut
- Simply the Truth
- I'll Wait for You
Gagarin First in Space (Soundtrack)
- The Night Before
- Vostok
- Yuri and Valentina
- Goodbye Brothers
- The Launch of Vostok
- Earth From Above
- Good News
- Levity
- Command Headquarters
- Discussions
- The Hanging
- Cosmos
- Goodbyes
- Vostok in Space
- The Tumble
- Remember Me in Prayer
- People in the Streets
- Father
- Falling and Remembering
- Orange Parachute
- Glory