Gene Krupa and His Orchestra Songtexte
Drummin' Man
I'll Never Make the Same Mistake Again
Tony Anelli
Ray Biondi
Don Brassfield
Warren Covington
Roy Eldridge
Don Fagerquist
Benny Feman
John Grassi
Edmond Hall
Jay Kelliher
Rex Kittig
Gene Krupa
Sam Listengart
Vito N. Mangano
Bob Munoz
Norman Murphy
Sam Musiker
Teddy Napoleon
Pullman “Tommy” Pederson
Greg Phillips
Milt Raskin
Tony Russo
Jack Schwartz
Ben Searman
Joe Springer
Bruce Squires,
Dick Taylor
Ray Triscari
Babe Wagner
Buddy Wise
Frank Worrell
Drum Boogie (Compilation)
Drummin' Man (Compilation)
1946 Live
- Introduction
- Begin the Beguine
- Autumn Serenade
- Bolero at the Savoy
- I Surrender Dear
- That Feeling in the Moonlight
- Limehouse Blues
- Just a Little Fond Affection
- Leave Us Leap
- Introduction
- Hop Skip and Jump
- We'll Gather Lilacs
- These Foolish Things
- Everybody Knew but Me
- The Man I Love
- Out of Nowhere
- I Hear You Screaming
- Introduction
- How High the Moon
- I Don't Know Why
- Tea for Two
- Bird House