Garrison Keillor Songtexte
Oh How Lovely Is the Evening
La Influenza
Nar jule morgen glimmar
The Sons of Knute Christmas Dance and Dinner
Geboren am 07. August 1942
Lake Wobegon Family Reunion: Selected Stories (Live)
- Living Flag
- The Tolleruds' Korean Baby
- Bruno the Fishing Dog
- A Trip to Grand Rapids
- Buddy Holly and the Pharaohs of Rhythm
- Driving in the City
- The Six Labors of Father Wilmer
- Sweet Corn
- The Lake Superior Canyon Project
- Ball Jars
- Gladys Hits a Racoon
- Cowpies
- Scrambled Eggs for Mom
- Tent Caterpillars
- Potato Salad
- The Herdsman
- The Flying Elvises on the 4th of July
- The Hochstetter House
- The Arrival of Liz