Fuck Me USA Anthology (Compilation)
- Jimmy Stateside
- Gangster Love
- American Boy
- Hey Boy
- Go Go Chicago
- LA Girl
- Southside Johnny
- Dollars, Police, Cocaine
- In the Gang
- Rico
- American Super Heroes
- Usama Bin Runnin
- I Met Fearless in Vegas (Part One)
- Osama Bin Runnin'
- I'm a Plastic Spastic
- Stadium Rock Is Shit
- Stadium Rock Is Really Shit
- This Is My Guitar
- Polonium Stroganoff
- Anton Works at Rock City
- I Met Fearless in Vegas (Part Two)
- I Met Fearless in Vegas (Part Three)
- Jimmy Stateside
- Gangster Love
- American Boy
- LA Girl
- Southside Johnny
- Dollars Police Cocaine
- C'mon Dance a New Dance
- Brown Eyed Girl
- Face Gob Porno Job (Go Fuck Yerselfish Tit) Instrumental
- Hollywood Is Dead MOGADON 88BPM!!!!!!
Mehr Songtexte

- Met Fearless in Vegas (Part Three)
- NYPD Blue
- Crimewave
- World
- Gangster Love (On The Freeway)
- American Dream
- Don't
- Lonely City
- Come
- Love
- Gold
- Cold
- New York City Blood
- Guns for Hire
- Mean Street
- Downtown Shakedown
- Go Fuck Yer Selfish Tit
- Uniform
- Drums
- Hollywood Is Dead
- Alibi
- Johnny
- My Side of Town
- Jimmy on The Stateside
- Drive