
Geboren am 24. Februar 1923, Gestorben am 23. Juni 2011

Star Trek: The Original Series 2: Charlie X / Mudd's Woman / The Corbomite Maneuver / Balance of Terror (Soundtrack)

  1. Main Title (Cello Version)
  2. Space Orbit / Charlie X / That's a Girl (Charlie X)
  3. Kirk's Command / Charlie's Mystery / Charlie's Gift (Charlie X)
  4. Card Tricks (Charlie X)
  5. Zap the Antares / Kirk Is Worried (Charlie X)
  6. Kirk's Command #2 / Chess Game (Charlie X)
  7. Charlie's Yen (Charlie X)
  8. Kirk Puzzled (Charlie X)
  9. Zap Sam / Zap the Pistol (Charlie X)
  10. Standoff (Charlie X)
  11. Kirk Waits / Charlie in Control (Charlie X)
  12. Charlie's Mad (Charlie X)
  13. Zap Janice (Charlie X)
  14. Zap the Cap (Charlie X)
  15. Zap the Spaceship (Charlie X)
  16. Zap the Broad / Charlie's Friend (Charlie X)
  17. Goodbye Charlie / Finale (Charlie X)
  18. Distant Spaceship / Hint of Danger (Mudd's Women)
  19. Still in Danger / Meet Mr. Mudd / Three Venuses (Mudd's Women)
  20. Venus Walks / Hello Girls (Mudd's Women)
  21. Venus Aboard / Exit Mr. Mudd / Venus Aboard #2 / Strange Glances / The Last Crystal / Mudd Laffs (Mudd's Women)
  22. Hello Ruth (Mudd's Women)
  23. Eve to Magda / Mudd Plan / Mudd's Perfidy (Mudd's Women)
  24. The Venus Drug / Dwindling Power (Mudd's Women)
  25. Planet Rigel (Mudd's Women)
  26. Space Radio (Mudd's Women)
  27. Planet Rigel #2 / Eve Is Out (Mudd's Women)
  28. Eve Cooks / Eve Is Tired / Pretty Eve (Mudd's Women)
  29. Mudd's Farewell / Back in Orbit (Mudd's Women)
  30. Space Cube / Condition Alert (The Corbomite Maneuver)
  31. Quiet Cube / Radiation (The Corbomite Maneuver)
  32. Cube Radiation (The Corbomite Maneuver)
  33. Fesarius / Fesarius Approaches (The Corbomite Maneuver)
  34. Hideous Balok (The Corbomite Maneuver)
  35. Baby Balok (The Corbomite Maneuver)
  36. The Enterprise / In the Chapel (Balance of Terror)
  37. Romulan Agitato (Balance of Terror)
  38. Romulan B.G. (Balance of Terror)
  39. Romulan Theme (Balance of Terror)
  40. Theme from Star Trek / Romulan Warship / Romulan Theme (Balance of Terror)
  41. Romulan Centurion (Balance of Terror)
  42. Big Ruk (What Are Little Girls Made Of?)
  43. Meet Andrea / Android Kirk (What Are Little Girls Made Of?)
  44. Ruk Protect / Ruk Attacks (What Are Little Girls Made Of?)
  45. Ruk Attacks / Enter Andrea (What Are Little Girls Made Of?)
  46. End Title (Cello Version)
  47. Desilu I.D. (von Wilbur Hatch)

Star Trek: The Original Series 7: Who Mourns for Adonais? / Mirror, Mirror / ...And More (Television Soundtrack)

  1. Ship of Stars / Green Hand (Who Mourns for Adonais?)
  2. Giant Hand (Who Mourns for Adonais?)
  3. Apollo Motif (Who Mourns for Adonais?)
  4. Apollo's Power / Kirk's Theme / Apollo's Temple (Who Mourns for Adonais?)
  5. Stingers / Giant Apollo (Who Mourns for Adonais?)
  6. Spaceship Stuck / Apollo Fades / Kirk to Apollo (Who Mourns for Adonais?)
  7. Apollo Digs Carolyn / Apollo's Fist / New Venus (Who Mourns for Adonais?)
  8. Computer Generator (Who Mourns for Adonais?)
  9. Apollo's Temple #2 (Who Mourns for Adonais?)
  10. Apollo Zaps (Who Mourns for Adonais?)
  11. Apollo Weakens / Kirk to Enterprise / Bridge to Apollo (Who Mourns for Adonais?)
  12. Kirk Worried (Who Mourns for Adonais?)
  13. Apollo in Love (Who Mourns for Adonais?)
  14. Dreamy Venus / Kirk and Carolyn / Spaceship Stuck Again (Who Mourns for Adonais?)
  15. Apollo's Kiss / Apollo's Storm / Final Battle (Who Mourns for Adonais?)
  16. End of Apollo / Spaceship Orbit (Who Mourns for Adonais?)
  17. Mirror Mirror / Blackship Theme / The Agonizer (Mirror, Mirror)
  18. Blackship in Space / Blackship Underscore (Mirror, Mirror)
  19. Thematic Bridge / Blackship Tension (Mirror, Mirror)
  20. Suspicion (Mirror, Mirror)
  21. Evil Kirk / Evil Kirk #2 (Mirror, Mirror)
  22. Meet Marlena / Short Curtain (Mirror, Mirror)
  23. Blackship Theme (Mirror, Mirror)
  24. Pretty Marlena (Mirror, Mirror)
  25. Goodbye Marlena (Mirror, Mirror)
  26. Kelvan Theme / Neutralizer (By Any Other Name)
  27. More Neutralizer (By Any Other Name)
  28. Rojan's Revenge / Rojan's Blocks / Broken Block (By Any Other Name)
  29. More Blocks / Rallentando (By Any Other Name)
  30. Pretty Words / Short Playoff (By Any Other Name)
  31. Kelinda's Question / Rojan Roars / Kelinda's Kiss (By Any Other Name)
  32. Finale / Thematic Playoff (By Any Other Name)
  33. Drums (The Omega Glory)
  34. Star-Spangled Enterprise (Act Out) (The Omega Glory)
  35. Star-Spangled Enterprise (Episode Medley) (The Omega Glory)
  36. Star-Spangled Enterprise (Outtakes Medley) (The Omega Glory)
  37. Kirk to Apollo (Who Mourns for Adonais?) [Second Season Library Music]
  38. The Agonizer (Mirror, Mirror) [Second Season Library Music]
  39. Blackship in Space M13a (Mirror, Mirror) [Second Season Library Music]
  40. Blackship in Space M13b (Mirror, Mirror) [Second Season Library Music]
  41. Blackship Tension M21aa (Mirror, Mirror) [Second Season Library Music]
  42. Blackship Tension M21a (Mirror, Mirror) [Second Season Library Music]
  43. Suspicion (Mirror, Mirror) [Second Season Library Music]
  44. Meet Marlena (Mirror, Mirror) [Second Season Library Music]
  45. Kelvan Theme (By Any Other Name) [Second Season Library Music]
  46. Neutralizer (By Any Other Name) [Second Season Library Music]
  47. Rojan's Blocks (By Any Other Name) [Second Season Library Music]
  48. Short Playoff (By Any Other Name) [Second Season Library Music]
  49. Chess Game (Charlie X) [Second Season Library Music]
  50. Zap Sam (Charlie X) [Second Season Library Music]
  51. Goodbye Charlie (2 Versions) [Charlie X] [Second Season Library Music]
  52. Fesarius Approaches (The Corbomite Maneuver)

Mehr Songtexte

  1. The Trouble With Tribbles: A Matter Of Pride / No Tribble At All / Big Fight
  2. The Empath: Enter Gem / Kirk Healed
  3. The Empath: Vian Lab / The Subjects / Cave Exit / Star Trek Chase
  4. The Empath: Help Him / Spock Stuck / McCoy Tortured
  5. The Empath: Time Grows Short
  6. The Empath: Vian's Farewell / Empath Finale
  7. The Doomsday Machine: Goodbye M. Decker / Kirk Does it Again
  8. Terror Stinger / Another World / Ominous Signs / Awful Monster / Silly Monster (From Space Circus)
  9. A Dramatic Exit
  10. Sulu's Machinations
  11. Cube Radiation
  12. Seeing Is Believing
  13. Sore Loser
  14. Harsh Lessons
  15. Spock's Return
  16. The Diversion
  17. Yes, You Could
  18. A Vision of the Future
  19. Mind Your Business
  20. Charlie Unleashed
  21. I Should Never Have Connected His Voicebox
  22. Centurion
  23. Andrea the Android
  24. Escape
  25. The Pill (3rd Season Rerecording)
  26. Remote Controlled Spock
  27. Reconnoiter
  28. Stuck Between a Ruk and a Hard Place
  29. The First Lesson
  30. We Have a Flop
  31. An Empty Ship
  32. Surface Tension
  33. Take Us Out
  34. In the Hands of an Adolescent
  35. Carolyn Returns
  36. Where's Spock
  37. Enter Leo Walsh
  38. No Deal
  39. Captain Mudd
  40. Rumble
  41. Fly By
  42. The Ion Storm
  43. Chekov's Promotion
  44. Good Cop, Bad Cop
  45. The Captain's Woman
  46. A Paragon of Virtue
  47. Near Miss (Could Be Tracked)
  48. The Placebo
  49. A God Has Needs Too
  50. Rojan's Wrath
  51. The Underground Lair
  52. Hot Pursuit
  53. No Victory
  54. Charlie Makes His Move
  55. Spock Talk
  56. Spock's Orders
  57. Saving Spock
  58. Deus Ex Machina
  59. Star Trek (End Credits)
  60. Ghosts From the Past
  61. A New Crewmember
  62. Breaking Free
  63. Funny Spock
  64. The Operation
  65. I Think It's Time
  66. What a Guy
  67. A Clash of Titans
  68. Take a Look at This
  69. Charlie Explores the Enterprise
  70. Into the Brig
  71. A Stroll Through the Corridors
  72. We'll Steal From the Rich and Give Back to the Poor... Later
  73. Carolyn Agrees
  74. Charlie Arrives
  75. Broken Legs (2nd Season Rerecording)
  76. The Long Wait Has Ended
  77. Me Cargo
  78. Through a Glass Darkly
  79. All About Eve
  80. Ugly Suspicions
  81. What Is Love
  82. The Neutralizer
  83. You Will Do as I Say
  84. Pain
  85. Request Denied
  86. Fesarious Approaches
  87. Chapel Music
  88. Ambush on the Surface
  89. To the Bridge
  90. His Brain Is Gone
  91. Ruk to the Rescue
  92. Hello Andrea
  93. Hijacking the Enterprise
  94. There Is No Joy in Victory (dialogue)
  95. Out of Place
  96. Another Earth... Again
  97. It's Not Yet Time
  98. Trying to Break Free
  99. To Be or Not to Be
  100. Academic Research
  101. Marlena Emerges
  102. The Rescue
  103. Ooooh, Female Cooking
  104. The Abduction
  105. To Be Human
  106. Enough Is Enough
  107. Captain's Log
  108. Ruk Unleashed
  109. That Girl
  110. Romulan Theme
  111. What Did You Do to Her Charlie
  112. Star Trek (Main Title)
  113. Old Glory
  114. An Entrance
  115. Reprieve
  116. Not on My Ship, Mister
  117. Big Problems
  118. A Few Laurel Leaves
  119. An Angry God
  120. Suite From the Corbomite Maneuver
  121. Nazi March 3
  122. Fascinating
  123. Nazi March 4
  124. Nazi March 1
  125. Nazi March 2
  126. Is That a Girl
  127. The Search for Spock's Brain
  128. The Sacred Words
  129. Sore Loser (2nd Season Rerecording)
  130. The Procedure Is Over
  131. Charlie Backs Down
  132. The Talk
  133. Taunting Apollo
  134. Kirk's Plan
  135. Tragedy
  136. The Halkan Dilemma
  137. Kirk's Intuition
  138. Spock in a Box
  139. [untitled]
  140. Real Turkeys
  141. Immobilized
  142. Bad to Worse
  143. Guts
  144. Raise Colony 5
  145. In the Shadows
  146. You've Got a Deal, Friend
  147. Don't Laugh at Me
  148. Real Kelvans
  149. The Halkans
  150. Stone Knives and Bear Skins
  151. Peaceful Coexistence
  152. Visual Contact
  153. Suite From What Are Little Girls Made Of
  154. Captain's Log, Supplemental
  155. The Women Explore
  156. Kirk's Hunch
  157. Departure and Resolution (3rd Season Rerecording)
  158. Slimy Sulu
  159. Hypothesis
  160. Ship's Log
  161. Pain and Delight
  162. The Hand
  163. What Now
  164. Don't Laugh at Me (2nd Season Rerecording)
  165. A Glimmer of Hope
  166. Harcourt Fenton Mudd
  167. Capriciousness
  168. Androids Don't Eat
  169. Mudd's Women Trailer
  170. A New Race
  171. Romulan Warship
  172. Behold, Olympus
  173. Another Enterprise
  174. Kirk Confronts Charlie
  175. Closing In
  176. What Have You Done to Her (3rd Season Rerecording)
  177. Just a Flicker of Light
  178. Goodbye Antares
  179. Suite From Balance of Terror
  180. Red Shirt Down
  181. Andrea and Kirk
  182. Where Does Marlena Fit In
  183. Another Crystal Goes
  184. Kirk Enters the Room
  185. Hunger
  186. Unusual Readings
  187. Parting Thoughts
  188. Staff Reductions
  189. Assassination Foiled
  190. Apollo Falters
  191. Departure and Resolution
  192. Goodnight, Sweetheart
  193. Something's Coming
  194. The Controller Will Live
  195. The Belts of Obedience
  196. The Pill
  197. McCoy Is Overdue
  198. Do You Know What You Just Did
  199. The Journey to Sickbay
  200. Broken Legs
  201. Ruk Relents
  202. All Decks Alert
  203. We the People
  204. Character Witness
  205. Elaasian Tears
  206. Psychotic Girlfriend
  207. Klingon Attack
  208. Elaan's Necklace
  209. Manners
  210. Let the Lessons Begin
  211. The Dohlman of Elaas
  212. Escorting Elaan
  213. End Credits
  214. Petri's Resignation
  215. Warp Power Trap
  216. Spock Clears the Way
  217. Menials
  218. The Enterprise
  219. On Course for Troyius
  220. The Tear
  221. A Change of Plans
  222. Sacrifice
  223. The Klingons Make Their Move
  224. Main Titles
  225. Wedding Slippers
  226. Kirk's First Love
  227. The Dohlman... Is Unhappy
  228. Sensor Ghost
  229. Elaan of Troyius
  230. The Farewell
  231. Sabotage
  232. Kirk's Trap
  233. The Passerby
  234. 100 Yards Over the Rim
  235. King 9 Will Not Return
  236. Future Thoughts
  237. Postlude
  238. “The Corbomite Maneuver”: Baby Balok (M61A)
  239. Library Music: Neutralizer (from “By Any Other Name”) (M12AA)


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