Frank Churchill Songtexte
Baby Mine
Never Smile at a Crocodile
Some Day My Prince Will Come
Geboren am 20. Oktober 1901, Gestorben am 14. Mai 1942
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Soundtrack)
- I’m Wishing / One Song (von Adriana Caselotti / Harry Stockwell)
- Whistle While You Work (von Adriana Caselotti)
Sneeuwwitje en de 7 dwergen (Soundtrack)
- Ouverture
- Spiegel aan de wand
- Wenslied / ’t Meisje waar ik van hou
- Koningin thema
- Ver in het bos
- Ook al heb je verdriet
- ’t Is net een poppenhuis
- Fluitje van een cent
- Hé‐ho
- Even boven kijken
- Aardstralen
- Het is een meisje
- Hoera, ze blijft
- Badlied
- Beetgenomen
- Jodellied
- Eens komt mijn prins voorbij
- Welterusten
- Een heel bijzondere dood
- Grumpy, wat lief
- Bak je taart?
- Neem een hap
- Koraal muziek voor Sneeuwwitje
- Haar eerste kus (finale)
Mehr Songtexte

- Main Title (Second Star to the Right) / All This Has Happened Before
- The Last Night in the Nursery
- On the Rooftop / What's a Kiss? / Perturbed Pixie
- You Can Fly!
- A Pirate's Life
- Blast That Peter Pan / A Pirate's Life
- The Legend of the Croc / Double the Powder and Shorten the Fuse / Follow Tinkerbell
- Just When I Brought You a Mother / Banished
- Following the Leader
- Hide and Sneak / No Let 'em Go
- Mermaid Lagoon / Bad Day at Skull Rock
- Plotting a Pixie's Plight
- What Made the Red Man Red? / Tinknapped
- Rumour Has It / Hangman's Tree
- Big Chief Flying Eagle / I Had a Mother Once
- Your Mother and Mine
- Good-Bye Peter / Shanghaied
- Captain Hook Never Breaks a Promise / The Elegant Captain Hook / A Little Surprise / Oh Tink / The Pen or the Plank
- No Splash / Take That / I'm a Codfish / Crocbait / The Hero of Neverland
- Home Again / Mermaids, Pirates and Indians / Finale (You Can Fly!)
- Never Smile at a Crocodile
- The Boatswain's Song (demo)
- Overture
- Magic Mirror
- I'm Wishing
- Queen Theme
- Far Into the Forest
- Animal Friends/With a Smile and a Song
- Just Like a Doll's House
- Whistle While You Work
- Heigh-Ho
- Let's See What's Upstairs
- There's Trouble A-Brewin'
- It's a Girl
- Hooray! She Stays
- Bluddle-Uddle-Um-Dum
- I've Been Tricked
- The Silly Song
- Some Day My Prince Will Come
- Pleasant Dreams
- A Special Sort of Death
- Why Grumpy, You do Care
- Makin' Pies
- Have a Bite
- Charole for Snow White
- Love's First Kiss
- Music in Your Soup
- You're Never Too Old to Be Young
- Wenslied/'t Meisje waar ik van hou
- 't Is net een poppenhuis
- Hé-ho
- Mi principe vendrá (Some Day My Prince Will Come) (Blancanieves y los siete enanitos)
- Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?
- Baby Mine
- Love is a Song
- Little April Shower
- Chorale for Snow White
- Dumbo
- Dig-A-Dig Dig / Heigh Ho
- Dwarfs' Yodel Song
- Animal Friends / With a Smile and a Song
- With a Smile and a Song
- "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" Fantasy: Heigh Ho / One Song / With a Smile and a Song / Some Day My Prince Will Come / Whistle While You Work
- I'm Wishing / One Song
- Story-Narration-Finale
- Overture-Narration-Story
- Story-Narration
- You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!