
- Jim Rome's Apple Tort
- More Suitable Announcing
- Weather Lemur
- Madden Surfs for Porn
- Jack Hole
- Bush's Turrets
- Impression Session in the Wonka Factory
- Play for Kissing Your Sister
- Announcer's Special Bond
- Rod Roddy's Wife
- Pat Who?
- Madden's Farvorite Brett
- Madden & KY
- Bush's Top List
- Madden's Dinner Reservation
- Intro
- Replacement Words
- Sandler Pie
- Lifestyles Retro
- Madden & Summerall
- Madden Rant
- TV Promos
- A Very Special Seinfeld
- Arnold's Diversity
- Mini Mike
- Sexy Sean
- Kung Fu Cosby
- Scooby Doo
- Superfriends
- Robin in Oz
- Mildred and Margaret
- Mistaken Identity
- Farley as Batman
- Angry Pacino
- Chris Farley as Batman
- Station Information
- Bradshaw's Buddy
- My Website,
- Training Madden Buzzer
- You're A Plummer
- Clinton's Clarity and Bush's Babble
- A Monkey Throwing Barrels
- Ted Knight Popcorn
- Observations of Some Favorites
- Charlie & The Five Dollar Factory
- The Jim Rome Dome
- Chuck and George
- Caliendo Squares
- Another Caliendo Squares
- Getting Started
- What Was I Thinking Clones?
- Impressionistas
- Batman & Madden Bunny Foo Foo
- Now I'm All Over the Place, Scoob
- The End for Bush
- Bush to the Future & Darth Pacino
- Ten Questions for Pacino
- Scooby Doo & Friends
- Here's Cheney
- Robin Williams in the Wizard of Oz
- Yoda and Al on the Dark Side
- Al Pacino's Persona
- New Year's Resolutions
- The Madden Rant
- A Pin in Your House
- Johnny Loves #4
- Ten Questions for Connery
- The Presidential Visor
- Insulted Frank
- Impression Caller
- DeNiro's Frankenstien & Keanu's Keymaster
- Tony's Talk Show
- Yoda's Favorite Flavor
- Ring Ring-There's No Place Like Home
- Hakuna Matata
- Great Great Football
- Adam Sandler as Simple Simon
- Madden's Favre of Favreness
- Tangents, Tangerines, & Melons
- Bush Vs. Clinton
- Jay Leno Bobble Head
- Monsters, Muppets and Madness
- How About a Little More?
- Super Heroes and Monsters
- Charles Barkley
- The Guy… Brett Favre
- Un-Favre-Gettable