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- Ding Dong
- Psst!
- Lo-Lee-Ta-Too
- The Tip Of The Tongue
- Garneta
- I'll Die if You Touch Me
- Milica
- Financial Times
- Prsti Prsti
- Muriel Mule my name is
- Doagja son!
- Ni pet ni sest
- Amanaman
- Bezobrazen krevet
- Moulin Rouge as a dutch discotheque
- Kral Na Kauchot
- Mesechina
- Latino + La Parok
- Engracadinha
- Kupidon
- Archimed
- Mi padna gazo
- Chekor
- No Coche no mujer
- Teresa
- Oblache
- Mediterranevs
- Nesonica
- Bokser
- Topka (Sphere)
- Dvojka; Dvojka
- Tango for three
- Antitelo
- The custos' wife
- The sky and the clouds are a wavy sea
- Ela si v krevet
- Ti veruvam
- Pijan slavej
- I like to be a horse
- In the white cities
- Ho-Nsi
- Mi se vodi ljubov
- Brotce
- Machka vo vrekja
- Slobodnata ljubov
- Donkey Hot contra Moulin Rouge in Amsterdam