Fashion Songtexte
You Only Left Your Picture
Gründung 1978
Dik Davis
De Harris
Jonathan Mulligan
Marlon Recchi
Luke Sky
Fashion Music (Compilation)
- Steady Eddie Steady
- Killing Time
- Citinite
- Wastelife
- Silver Blades
- A Deeper Cut
- Sodium Pentathol Negative
- The Innocent
- Red, Green and Gold
- Fiction Factory (1980 Demos)
- Do It in the Dark (1980 Demos)
- Steady Eddie Steady (1980 Demos)
- Emotional Blackmail (1980 Demos)
- Bad Move (1980 Demos)
- Let Go (1980 Demos)
- I Don’t Take Drugs, I Don’t Tell (1978 demo)
- We’re the Fashion (1978 demo)
- Small People (1978 demo)
- Bike Boys (1978 demo)
- The Naff All Tango (1978 demo)
- Killing Time (1978 demo)
- Steady Eddie Steady (live)
- Red Green & Gold (live)
- Don't Touch Me / I Don't Take Drugs / Sodium Pentathol Negative (live)
- Citinite (live)
- Killing Time (live)
- Big John / Hanoi Annoys Me / The Innocent (live)
- Die in the West (live)
- Symiane (live)
- Bike Boys (live)
- Wastelife (live)
- Sodium Pentathol Negative (alternate version)
- Steady Eddie Steady (alternate version)
Mehr Songtexte

- Streetplayer - Mechanik
- Love Shadow Smokey Dialogue
- Let's Play Dirty Centrefold
- Mutant Move
- Move On (Audio Extra)
- Mutant Dance Move
- Let’s Play Dirty Centrefold
- Streetplayer-Mechanik
- Mutant Mix Mechanik
- Streetplayer
- Alternative Playback (Half Frame)
- Streetplayer-Mechanik (Audio Extra)
- Dressed To Kill (Double Dub)
- Mutant Mechanik
- Smokey Dialogue
- Let's Play Dirty (Centrefold)
- Something In Your Picture (Motor Drive)
- Alternative Playback (Full Frame)
- Do You Wanna Make Love (at 5.00 A.M.)
- Love Shadow (Smokey Dialogue)
- White Stuff (The Unfinished)
- Innocent
- Big John
- Hanoi Annoys Me
- Eye Talk (Talk)