farmersmanual Songtexte
- Oswald Berthold
- Gert Brantner
- Nik Gaffney
- Mathias Gmachl
- Stefan Possert
- [untitled]
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- [untitled]
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- [untitled]
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- [untitled]
- [untitled]
- [untitled]
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- [untitled]
- [untitled]
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- [untitled]
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- [untitled]
- [untitled]
- [untitled]
- [untitled]
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- [untitled]
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- [untitled]
- [untitled]
- [untitled]
- [untitled]
- [untitled]
- [untitled]
- 363
- 364
- 365
- 366
- 367 (mix)
- 368 (mix)
- 369 Fin
- 370 (Magic Leise mix)
- Nuk (mix)
- 371 Adv3
- Frog Dies in Sunlight.aif
- I Out
- Klopp01.proc (mono)
- Loop Der.II.proc
- [untitled]
- Inter #001 (mono)
- Inter #002 (mono)
- Inter #003 (mono)
- Inter #004 (mono)
- Inter #005 (mono)
- Inter #006 (mono)
- Inter #007 (mono)
- Inter #008 (mono)
- Inter #009 (mono)
- Inter #010 (mono)
- Inter #011 (mono)
- Inter #012 (mono)
- Inter #021 (mono)
- Inter #022 (mono)
- Inter #023 (mono)
- Inter #024 (mono)
- Inter #013 (mono)
- Inter #014 (mono)
- Inter #015 (mono)
- Inter #016 (mono)
- Inter #017 (mono)
- Inter #018 (mono)
- Inter #019 (mono)
- Inter #020 (mono)
- Inter #025 (mono)
- Inter #026 (mono)
- Inter #027 (mono)
- Inter #028 (mono)
- Inter #029 (mono)
- Inter #030 (mono)
- Inter #031 (mono)
- Inter #032 (mono)
- Inter #033 (mono)
- Inter #034 (mono)
- Inter #035 (mono)
- Inter #017 (mono)
- Inter #018 (mono)
- Inter #019 (mono)
- Inter #020 (mono)
- Inter #013 (mono)
- Inter #014 (mono)
- Inter #015 (mono)
- Inter #016 (mono)
- Inter #017 (mono)
- Inter #018 (mono)
- Inter #019 (mono)
- Inter #020 (mono)
- Inter #016 (mono)
- Inter #017 (mono)
- Inter #036 (mono)
- Inter #037 (mono)
- Inter #038 (mono)
- Inter #039 (mono)
- Inter #040 (mono)
- Inter #013 (mono)
- Inter #014 (mono)
- Inter #015 (mono)
- Inter #018 (mono)
- Inter #019 (mono)
- Inter #020 (mono)
- Inter #025 (mono)
- Inter #028 (mono)
- Inter #029 (mono)
- Inter #030 (mono)
- Inter #031 (mono)
- Inter #032 (mono)
- Inter #014 (mono)
- Inter #015 (mono)
- Inter #033 (mono)
- Inter #034 (mono)
- Inter #035 (mono)
- Inter #036 (mono)
- Inter #037 (mono)
- Inter #038 (mono)
- Inter #039 (mono)
- Inter #040 (mono)
- Inter #041 (mono)
- Inter #014 (mono)
- Inter #015 (mono)
- Inter #016 (mono)
- Inter #041 (mono)
- Inter #042 (mono)
- Inter #043 (mono)
- Myself II
RLA (Live)
- 20020526 - Colorsync, Berlin
- 20020510-20 - Biennale Internationale Arte Giovani, Torino
- 20020505 - Citrical Upgrade, Zagreb
- 20020427 - Big Muff, Berlin
- 20020409 - Extreme Computer Music, Vienna
- 20020201 - 20020210 - Frequenzen [Hz], Frankfurt
- 20011207 - Netimage, Bologna
- 20011127 - Dont Be Late, Vienna
- 20011104 - 20011108 - Avanto Media Festival 2001, Helsinki
- 20011103 - Native Lab, Berlin
- 20011027 - Ncc48, Berlin, Graz
- 20010915 - German500
- 20010824 - Garage-g Festival, Stralsund
- 20010811 - Transmission 004, Chicago, Vienna, Berlin
- 20010605 - 20010607 - Days Of Hope, Venice
- 20010330 - V-stream21, Streaming Event, Berlin, Linz
- 20010220 - 20010304 - Whatismusic 2001, Sydney, Melbourne
- 20010129 - Tanzhalle, Hamburg
- 20000929 - Mego Night at Lok, Munich
- 20000911 - Electronic Rendevous, Vienna
- 20000828 - 20000901 - Off-ICMC 2000, Berlin
- 20000604 - Sundays Out Of Service, Vienna
- 20000529 - Audio Incident, Brussels
- 19991100 - Netsound, Hamburg, Stockholm, Paris, Tokyo, Vienna
- 19991030 -, Zurich
- 19991017 - Fcmm, Montreal
- 19990900 - Schw31z #1, Berlin
- 19990720 - Maria Am Ostbahnhof, Berlin
- 19990716 - Konfrontationen 99, Nickelsdorf
- 19990313 - Konzerthaus, Vienna
- 19990304 - Kunstverein, Munich
- 19990125 - Mego Nite, Metro, Kyoto
- 19990114 - Mego at ICC, Tokyo
- 19981127 - Nature Is Perverse, Stockholm
- 19981107 - Beatbox 2000, Hamburg
- 19981009 - Time Based Arts Festival, Hull
- 19980700 - Holland Festival '98, Amsterdam
- 19980619 - Sonar '98, Barcelona
- 19980510-11 - FM En France, Paris, Grenoble
- 19980400 - FM UK Mini Tour, London, Sheffield
- 19980000 - F5K, Hamburg
- 19971220 - Electronica Potent II, Vienna
- 19970900 - Mego Love Boat, Linz
- 19970700 - Riesenrad 1000Umin, Vienna
- 19970500 - Mego Tour Germany #1 Munich, Ulm, Mannheim, Frankfurt, Duesseldorf, Cologne
- 19970222 - Prvy Zahranicny Elektronicky Experimentalny Koncert Na Slovensku Bratislava
- 19970000 - Various, Misc
- 19961200 - Reinbergkeller, Salzburg
- 19960403 - Flex Cafe, Vienna
- 19960401 - Flex, Vienna
- 19951013 - Premiere, Vienna