- Arcane Shift (feat. Mike Luciano)
- Blood Moon (feat. Nicki Taylor & Annchirisu)
- Heavensward (feat. Elspeth Eastman)
- Ignite the Spark (feat. Julia Westlin)
- Final Clash
- River King (feat. Sonny Williams)
- Spin! (feat. Nicki Taylor) (von Falconshield & Nicki Taylor)
- Khanfall
- The Hidden Tyrant (feat. Nicki Taylor) (von Falconshield & Nicki Taylor)
- Our Toxic Chemistry
- Starcall (feat. Nicki Taylor) (von Falconshield & Nicki Taylor)
- We Need a Witcher
- Galactic Ascension
- Trundle (feat. Tessie Ahlstrand)
- Heartslayer - Mundo Version
- Gwwlrgghh! (feat. Kiandymundi)
Summoner’s Riff
- Super Mega Death Team (von Falconshield & Nicki Taylor)
- Murder of Crows
- Here Comes the Sun
- Tides of Blood
- Walk Towards the Light
- No Mercy
- Unstoppable
- Don’t Stop the Feedin’ (von Falconshield & AntiRivet)
- Skirmish - Elise 6
- The Power
- Too Stronk
- Summon the Void
- Gragas Drinking Song (von Falconshield & AntiRivet)
- Two Warriors
- Goodbye Teemo
- Branded (von Falconshield & AntiRivet)
- Doombots
- Cylindrical Limbo (von Falconshield & AntiRivet)
- Fallen Idols (von Falconshield & AntiRivet)
- Gnar! (von Falconshield & Raw.B)
The Final Push
- One Shell at a Time (feat. Mike Luciano)
- Summoner’s War (feat. LewBae, LilyPichu & Mike Luciano)
- Battle of the Bands - Viktor
- Dad of Boy
- Reaper Queen (feat. Rena)
- Stormblood
- Jury Fury
- Waiting for a Challenge
- Pentakill Origins - Warrior of the Woods (feat. Nicki Taylor) (Bonus) (von Falconshield & Nicki Taylor)
- Pentakill Origins - The Silent Siren (Bonus)
- In My Dreams (feat. Ted Carlström) (Bonus)