Woolgather Visions
Mehr Songtexte

- Planet: III Haunting the Terrain
- Planet: II Stark Bleakness Rising
- Trancending Energy From Light
- Trajectory Rhtyms
- AV1
- Planet: I Left to Die
- Corpse: III Breaking the Dirt
- Corpse: I Into Body
- Corpse: II Cold Forecasting
- Whispers of Ancient Oaks
- Closet Full of Candles / Improvisation / Figures in Black Turn Night Back Into Day
- Lysergic Journey to the Thunderbird Mound
- Live at The Duke 2008
- Unititled
- Closet Full of Candles / Electrifying Energy at the Gates of Life
- Sleeping Corpse I-III
- Widow Planet I-III