Super Punani
The Chord Catalogue for Eight-O-Eight
The Worm
- Grim Jim
- Mean Gene
- Oozy Suzy
- Janet Planet
- Pat Splat
- Jay Decay
- Mushy Marsha
- Juicy Bruce
- Brutal Brad
- Evil Eddie
- Louise Squeeze
- Gooey Huey
- Pam Ham
- Still Jill
- Leaky Lou
- Vile Kyle
- Messy Tessie
- Slobby Robbie
- Tommy Ache
- Russell Muscle
- Elliot Mess
- Dyna Mike
- Hugh Mungous
- Rotten Robin
- Sticky Rick
- Stu Spew
- Drippy Debbie
- Mack Quack
- Jelly Kelly
- Squashed Josh
- Banana Anna