Honey Moon and Blackened Stars
- Honey Moon and Blackened Stars
- Black Light of Oblivion
- Witch Song
- Within a Sleeping Forest
- Lullaby for the Wolves
- Grotesque
- Under the Twilight Sky
- Old Castle in the Moonlight
- Black Blood of Midnight Evil
- Satyr Dance
- Blogsberg
- Ancient Crypt
- Into the Citadel of Despair
- Cathedral of the Deads
- Flying on a Black Goat
- Last Candle
- At the Gates of Midnight
Kingdom of Eternal Night
- My Kingdom of Eternal Night
- At the Gates of Medieval City
- Hour of the Wolves
- Red Horn of the Moon
- True Evil Was Born Under the Winter Stars
- The Woods of Frozen Melancholy
- Song of Black Stones
- Black Goat on the Throne of Hate
- From the Land of Darkness...
- Spring Nightmares
- Dead Beauty
- The Rain (Epilogue)