A Real Woman
Life on a Pedestal
- Introduction
- Sneeze
- Bleach Convention
- Red Necks
- Barbie
- Bath Tub
- Cellulite
- Kids
- Pretend to Have Kids
- Air Jordans
- Paintball Gun
- Cereal
- Pta
- Mrs. Daughenbaugh
- Teenage Daughter
- Whatever
- Boys or Girls
- Daughter Driving
- Birds & Bees
- Algrebra Test
- Discipline
- Country Mother
- Feeling Fresh
- Lexington Kentucky
- Brunch
- Tennis
- Auto Physical
- Caller Id
- Internet
- Phil Harmonic
- 15th Anniversary
- Para-Sailing
- Single Women
- Marital Advice
- Sex Position
- Men & Sex