Ennio Morricone Songtexte
Spiel Mir Das Lied Vom Tod
Chi Mai
Der Wind, der Schrei
Deborah's Theme (aus: Es war einmal in Amerika)
Le Vent, le cri
Geboren am 10. November 1928, Gestorben am 06. Juli 2020
Sound Giganten (Compilation)
Soundtracks (Compilation)
- Città violenta (quad mix)
- Per Un Pugno Di Dollari (quad mix)
- L' avventuriero (quad mix)
- Per Qualche Dollaro In Più (quad mix)
- La classe operaia va in paradiso (quad mix)
- C' era una volta il west (quad mix)
- Metello (quad mix)
- Sacco E Vanzetti (quad mix)
- La battaglia di Algeri (quad mix)
- Uccellacci e uccellini (quad mix)
Soundtracks (Compilation)
- Once Upon a Time in the West: Man With the Harmonica
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Main Theme
- A Fistful of Dollars: Main Theme
- For a Few Dollars More: Main Theme
- Two Mules for Sister Sara: Main Theme
- Once Upon a Time in America: Deborah's Theme
- Days of Heaven: The Harvest
- Once Upon a Time in the West: Jill’s Theme
- Casualties of War: Elegy for Brown
- Guns for San Sebastian: Overture
- The Men From Shiloh: Main Theme
- The Five Man Army: Main Theme
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: The Ecstasy of Gold
- A Fistful of Dynamite: Duck You Sucker
- Moses the Lawgiver: Main Theme
- The Untouchables: Main Theme
- Le Professionnel: Chi Mai
- Hamlet: Main Theme
- Marco Polo: Main Theme
- Exorcist II - The Heretic: Regan's Theme
- The Red Tent: Main Theme
- Cinema Paradiso: Love Theme
- Novecento (1900): Romanza
- The Sicilian Clan: Main Theme
- My Name Is Nobody: Main Theme
- In the Line of Fire: Main Theme
- The Thing: Main Theme
- The Mission: The Mission
- The Mission: Gabriel's Oboe
- The Mission: Ave Maria (Guarini)
- The Mission: On Earth as It Is in Heaven
- The Mission: Epilogue - The Falls
Spaghetti Western (Compilation)
- A Gun for Ringo
- Grotesque Suspense
- Heroic Mexico
- The Wait
- The Slaughter
- Angel Face
- At Times Life Is Very Hard, Isn’t That Fate?
- McGregor’s March
- Santa Fé Express
A Gringo Like Me
- Lonesome Billy
- The Indians
- The Young Girl and the Sheriff
- Bullets Don’t Argue
- Seven Women for the McGregors
- Death Rides a Horse
- Mystic and Severe
- Guitar Nocturne
- Anger and Sorrow
- We’ll Be Back, Isn’t That Fate?
- Mouth to Mouth
- The Gallop
- The Return Of Ringo
- The Disguise
- The Fuentes
- The Funeral
- The Wedding And The Revenge
- Peace Comes Back In Mimbres