- In Dulci Jubilo
- We Wish You a Merry Christmas
- Beatitude VI: Beati Misericordes
- Beati IV: Pro Eis Sine Domo
- The Wise Men and the Star (Stella Quam Viderant Magi)
- Beati III: Pro Eis Solitariis
- Beatitude I: Beati Pauperes
- Beati I: Pro Curatis
- O Come, O Come Emmanuel (Veni, Veni Emmanuel)
- The Angel Gabriel
- Beatitude III: Beati Qui Esuriunt
- The First Nowell
- Beatitude V: Beati Qui Persecutionem
- Sussex Carol
- From Lands That See the Sun Arise (A Solis Ortus Cardine)
- Lullaby of Winter
- Angels From the Realms of Glory
- Silent Night
- Beatitude VIII: Beati Pacifici
- The Word Was Made Flesh (Verbum Caro Factum Est)
- Beatitude II: Beati Mundo Corde
- Beatitude VII: Beati Mites
- Gaudete
- Beati II: Pro Alios Curantibus
- The Angel and the Virgin (Angelus Ad Virginem)
- O Little Town of Bethlehem
- A Little Child There Is Y-Born
- Beatitude IV: Beati Qui Lugent