emoforclosure Songtexte
Saying Adiós (Back to my old ways)
Geboren am 26. Dezember 2004 als Joseph Noel Smith
- Whatchu Want?
- F1t3 Smil3Y!
- Get Doxxed
- Until Over
- So unsur3
- D4rkne55 Feelz
- FK 2020
- Stuck n Funny
- Sounds of Party Sickness
- Switch BladE
- Saying Adiós (Back to my old ways)
- plz
- 0v3r i7
- F33ls of A Muffled K1d
- ahhh
- C4n7 D0 7h1s 0mg (Prod. Vystol)
- t00 F4R
- Ahhhh Pt2 (POV your in the skies)
- Bon3s
- Wierd Luv
- im here Baby
- Tr4shed M1nd
- Intule04!
- So Wrong
- darkness feels
- Y34H!
- U did It again