Mehr Songtexte
- That’s Not a Tram It’s a Train
- Proper Flat
- Don’t Wanna Wait for You
- Time and Again
- Skakes
- Rubbish
- Kulbardis Sing
- Something Is Coming
- Slippin+Slidin
- Listening to Johnny Cash on Record
- Come Back to Me My Jack Lee
- Will You Go With Me All the Time
- Toadies and Tricksters
- Deakin’s Blues
- Good Night Alexandra
- Surplus
- Scrublot Banksia
- King of the Sand
- Judith
- Norfolk Pine
- Cormorant
- Belinda
- Travelling Nonsense Epistle
- Tasman Sea
- I'll Suck Any Cock That Needs Sucking
- The Old Woman and Her Pig
- Lalina's Place
- My Olivetti
- Love Song
- bikie war
- certain libation gripe
- foreign traveller
- adelaide
- this house is on the piss
- big day in court
- tengsing tongsing
- budawang
- in my tum-tum-tum
- shoalwater
- shmeethoo
- nobby's reef