13 Traditional Carols From Ely Cathedral (Compilation)
- Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day
- Emmaus Carol
- While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks
- This Endris Night
- Coventry Carol
- Carol of King Knut
- Les anges dans nos campagnes , Angels From the Realms of Glory
- Célébrons la Naissance , We Sing In Celebration
- El desembre congelat, el noi de la mare , Cold December Winds Were Stilled the Son of the Virgin
- Un flambeau, Jeanette, Isabelle! Come With Torches Jeanette, Isabella!
- Dans cette étable , Cradled All Lowly
- Susani (Vom Himmel hoch) , Come, Angels, Come!
- Wie schön leuchtet , How Brightly Beams
Will Your Anchor Hold?
- Will Your Anchor Hold?
- Eternal Father, Strong to Save
- Lord in the Hollow of Thy Hand
- Let the Lower Lights Be Burning
- Hiding in Thee
- Star of Peace
- Lord Whom Winds and Seas Obey
- Lord of Earth and Air and Sea
- Nearer My God to Thee
- Just in the Harbour
- The Lifeboat
- The Golden Shore
- He Leadeth Me
- Lead, Kindly Light
- God Be With You
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- Kyrie (Missa Brevis in D)
- Nunc Dimittis (The Bangor Service)
- Magnificat (The Bangor Service)
- A Royal Blessing
- Sanctus and Benedictus (Missa Brevis in D)
- Agnus Dei (Missa Brevis in D)
- Ave verum corpus
- Gloria (Missa Brevis in D)
- Just As I Am, Without One Plea
- O God, Thy Loving Care for Man
- Father, We Thank Thee Who Has Planted
- Sweet Sacrament Divine
- Lord of All Hopefulness
- My God, I Love Thee
- Why, Impious Herod
- Tell Out, My Soul
- O God, My God, for You I Long
- Jerusalem the Golden
- O Little Town of Bethlehem
- Jesus, Lord, We Look to Thee
- How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds
- King of Glory, King of Peace
- Light's Abode, Celestial Salem
- This Is the Day the Lord Hath Made
- Alleluya! Alleluya! Alleluya!
- Creator of the Stars of Night
- Lord, Thy Word Abideth
- The Saint Who First Found Grace to Pen
- Lo! He Comes With Clouds Descending
- O Lord Our God, Arise
- Sing to Him In Whom Creation
- Guide Me, O Thou Great Redeemer
- Now the Green Blade Ariseth