The Mystery of Christmas
- The Huron Carol
- Ring-a the News
- O Come All Ye Faithful
- In the Bleak Midwinter
- The Three Kings
- King Jesus hath a Garden
- Silent Night
- Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day
- Laudate Dominum
- O Magnum Mysterium
- Quem Vidistis Pastore Dicite
- Videntes Stellam
- Hodie Christus Natus est
- Ding Dong Merrily On High
- Jesus Christ the Apple Tree
- What Sweeter Music (von The Elora Festival Singers, Elora Festival Singers, Noel Edison)
- The Linden Tree Carol
- A Hymn to the Virgin
- Star in the South
- Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
- God is With Us (A Christmas Proclamation)
Mehr Songtexte

- Magnificat
- Verleih uns Frieden
- What Sweeter Music
- Psalm 111
- Sing we merrily unto God our strength
- Psalm 93
- Psalm 127
- Psalm 137
- Ave verum corpus
- Psalm 41
- Psalm 114
- Laudate Dominum Quatre Motets Pour Le Temps De Noel
- Psalm 65
- Psalm 126
- Burial Sentences
- Jesu, the very thought of Thee
- Jesus Christ the Appple Tree
- Missa Brevis: III. Sanctus/Hosanna/Benedictus
- Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
- Missa Brevis: II. Gloria
- Missa Brevis: I. Kyrie
- I saw eternity
- Missa Brevis: IV. Agnus Dei
- Ritchot Mass: Agnus Dei (version for chorus and piano)
- Nunc dimittis
- To See the Cherry Hung with Snow
- Missa Pax: Gloria
- Psalm CXXII "I was glad when they said unto me"
- Psalm CXXX "Out of the deep have I called unto thee O Lord"
- Psalm XXIII "Dominus Pastor Meus"
- Psalm CXXI "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills"
- Hear my prayer
- Requiem: In Remembrance
- What Child Is This
- Nesciens mater virgo virum
- The Holly and the Ivy
- Once in Royal David's City
- Rocking
- O Holy Night
- The First Nowell
- Ecce concipies
- There is a Flower
- Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming
- Adam lay y-bounden
- My Dancing Day
- A Boy Was Born
- Away in a Manger
- Who is He in Yonder Stall
- Ding Dong! Merrily on High
- Gabriel's Message
- I Wonder as I Wander