The Medieval Lady: Medieval Chant, Songs, & Dances
- A Chantar
- Mout m'abelist quant je voir revenir
- Amours, u trop tart me suis pris (von Blanche of Castile)
- Trotto
- Estampie
- In Evangelium
- O viridissima virga
- O Ierusalem, aurea civitas
- Saltarello
- Saltarello
- La Manfredina
- O Deathe, rock me asleepe
- Sweetest love, I do not goe
- Tower Hill (von Giles Farnaby)
- Green Sleeves
- When first I saw Fair Dorris' eyes
- And is this all? What one poore kisse?
- In vain fair Chloris, you design
- La Rosignoll (The Nightingale)
- Nobody's Gigge