Bel Canto
- Pogo Io Vovro: A Chiad Pòg: The First Kiss
- Chan Eil Cuimhn' Am
- Here We Go Again
- 's Mise Gam Tholadh
- You Misunderstand Me/Little Darling (von Michael Marra)
- Òganaich Mo Chridhe
- Suidh San Oisean
- Cesar's Tree
- An Comhradh: Sandra Kerr
- Càit an Robh Thu Ghealtaire Ghallda?
- Gentle Kisses: An Darna Phòg: The Second Kiss
- Faillirinn o 'Ille Ghasta
- Rèidhphort
- Dìreach Nar Dithis: An Treas Pòg: The Third Kiss
Eideadh na Sgeulachd (The Raiment of the Tale)
- 'S olc a dh'fhàg an uiridh mi (Last year you left me)
- Eideadh na Sgeulachd (The Raiment of the Tale)
- Fhir a' bhàta (My boatman)
- Oran balaich Eoghainn (The song of Ewan's sons)
- I Huiraibh o chan eil mi slàn (I am not well)
- Cuir Culaibh ri Asainte (Turning your back on Assynt)
- Achadh Bhuana (Harvest field)
- Mo chridhe slàn (Whole-hearted)
- Ghràidh an tig thu? (My love, will you return?)
- Latha Chuil-Lodair (Culloden)
- Oran Gaoil a rinneadh ri taobh Loch Laomain (A love song composed on the banks of Loch Lomond)
- Puirt-a-beul (Mouth Music)
- A' Fàgail Ghriais (Leaving Gress)
- Thig am bàta (The boat will come)
Mehr Songtexte
- Acadh Bhuana (Harvest field)
- Puirt-abeul (mouth Music)
- Oran Gaoil a rinneadh ri taobh Loch Laomain (A love song composed on eth banks of Loch Lomond)
- Latha Chull-Lodair (Culloden)
- I Huiraibh o chan ell mi siàn (I am not well)
- Mo chridhe siàn (Whole-hearted)
- 'S olc a dh'fhàg an uirdh mi (Last year you left me)
- I Huiraibh o chan eil mi siàn (I am not well)
- The Wheels on the Bus
- Roon aboot moose
- I have a little spider
- Cross, cross, line, line
- Goodbye Song
- Three craws
- Ally Bally
- Teddy Bear is up
- Broo broo brinkie
- Hello Song
- Rickety, rickety, rockety horse
- Gille beag o
- Swing me over the water
- Mire, mire
- What shall we do with the bouncing baby
- Mum and Dad and Uncle John
- Introduction
- Creeping, creeping, creeping goes the little cat
- Aon, dhà trì
- Twinkle, twinkle, little star
- Fingers like to wiggle, waggle
- Hobhàn, hobhàn