Vegeta Saga
- Gohan’s Metamorphosis
- Gohan Makes a Friend
- Trouble on Arlia
- Home for Infinite Losers
- Princess Snake’s Hospitality
- Escape From Piccolo
- Showdown in the Past
- The End of Snake Way
- A Fight Against Gravity… Catch Bubbles!
- The Legend of the Saiyans
- A Black Day for Planet Earth
- The Battle Begins… Goku Where Are You?
- The Saibamen Strike
- Nappa the Invincible
- Tien Goes All Out
- Time’s Up
- The Return of Goku
- Goku Strikes Back
- Goku vs. Vegeta… A Saiyan Duel
- Vegeta… Saiyan Style!
- Stop Vegeta Now!
- The Battle Ends