
Geboren am 04. Februar 1957

Mehr Songtexte

  1. The Trainman Cometh
  2. Tetsujin
  3. In My Head
  4. Niobe's Run
  5. Navras
  6. Main Title / Trinity Infinity
  7. The Power Plant
  8. Welcome to the Real World
  9. The Hotel Ambush
  10. A Virus
  11. Bullet-Time
  12. Anything Is Possible
  13. Mudlap Rap / Elysia's Entrance
  14. Dead of Chung
  15. Piano Quartet in G Minor, Opus 25
  16. Dinosaur Fly-By
  17. Cooper's Last Stand
  18. Raptor Room
  19. Brachinosaurs on the Bank
  20. Hat Returns / End Credits
  21. Big Hat, Not Cattle
  22. Main Title (Ustao)
  23. Goldent Gridiron Pilot
  24. The Skies of Sarajevo
  25. Jet Smash
  26. Off Mission
  27. Stranded Stackhouse
  28. The Stack Interrogation
  29. Burnett on the Run
  30. Piquet Pernicious
  31. The Treacherous Tracker
  32. Field of Death
  33. Piquet, Pourquoi?
  34. Wire Worry
  35. Tracker Très Terrible
  36. Persistent Piquet
  37. The Near-fatal Dozeoff
  38. On Their Wat to Hac
  39. Burnett's Body
  40. Burnett Bereavement
  41. Zbogom Bazda
  42. Airborne Rescue Brigade
  43. Battle on Thin Ice
  44. Ustao (Risen)
  45. Switch's Brew
  46. Switch Woks Her Boa
  47. Surprise!
  48. The Dinosaur Fly-By
  49. The Matrix
  50. I Think We Can Handle One Little Girl
  51. The 2nd Trainings Program / The Gate Keepers
  52. Ambush & Rescue
  53. Mjolner Mastication
  54. Noooooo!
  55. Neo Miraculous
  56. Guns, Lot of Guns / Revelation / Backup!
  57. The Truth
  58. To Our Snivel
  59. There Is No Spoon?
  60. Dead Girl / Dangerous Kiss
  61. Window Switch
  62. Truck vs. Truck
  63. Kyle's Suicide
  64. The Hat Returns & End Credits
  65. Do You Dream About Your Son
  66. The First Goodbye
  67. I Repeat, We Are Under Attack!
  68. The Matrix Mix
  69. Guns, Lots of Guns
  70. He Is You
  71. You Are a Plague, and We ... Are the Cure
  72. Lady in the Red Dress / The Sewers
  73. The Council of Cool
  74. Whoa!
  75. They're Not Out Yet ...
  76. Time's Up
  77. The Bane Transformation
  78. The Raptor Repartee
  79. There Is No Spoon
  80. No Kiss
  81. Road to Nowhere
  82. Want a Drink / The Turncoat
  83. The Training Begins
  84. Michael Finds Kyle
  85. The Smith Within Us
  86. Knock Knock
  87. Squiddies, Sweepin' in Quick
  88. To the Club
  89. What Is the Matrix?
  90. Show Me
  91. Breakfast at Bed
  92. Pterandon Habitat
  93. The Red Pill
  94. Charra Broiled
  95. Our Lit Ovens
  96. Morpheus on the Mount
  97. Getting the Bug Out
  98. Runaway
  99. Contusion Conclusion
  100. Montana
  101. Trinity Dream
  102. We're In
  103. No More Nebuchadnezzar
  104. Taking Neo to the Oracle
  105. Deus Ex Machina
  106. The Last Time I Saw Him
  107. Morpheus Is Fighting Neo!
  108. Corky's Peephole
  109. Eric Saves Alan
  110. They're Coming for You
  111. Kirby Paint and Tile Plus
  112. Link and Zee
  113. Opening Logos / Trinity in a Jam
  114. Father & Son
  115. Multiple Replication
  116. You Move Like They Do
  117. Just a Dream / Going On
  118. Goodbye ... Mr. Anderson
  119. Photos of Tommy's Past
  120. We Think You're Bugged
  121. Boom Hilda
  122. Wonder of Zion
  123. The Revelation
  124. If You Are Not One of Us, You Are One of Them
  125. Reaching for Glory
  126. Neo, I Want to Tell You Something
  127. Neo's Awakening
  128. Logos / Main Title
  129. You're Going to Tell Me, or You're Going to Die
  130. The Big Jump
  131. The Breach
  132. The Old House
  133. Tiny Pecking Pterandon
  134. The Oracle Speaks
  135. Ignorance Is Bliss
  136. Let's Go
  137. Sad Talk
  138. Fate, It Seems, Is Not Without a Sense of Irony
  139. Please Remove Any Metallic Items You're Carrying ...
  140. Tank, I Need a Pilot Program for a B-212 Helicopter
  141. You All Look the Same to Me
  142. The Trainman Goeth
  143. There Is No Spoon / The Oracle
  144. Final Flight of the Vigilant
  145. Some Skill
  146. Neovision
  147. Bullet Time
  148. Match Up
  149. He's Beginning to Believe
  150. Kill the Keymaker
  151. Do You Believe It Now, Trinity?
  152. Freeze!
  153. Sin, Toil, Extra Vermouth
  154. Free Your Mind
  155. The Office Chase / In Their Custody
  156. Goodbye Zion
  157. Shattered Life
  158. I Don't Remember You Bringing Me Dinner
  159. He's Beginning to Believe!! / Run Neo!
  160. I Believe I Can Bring Him Back
  161. I'm Going to Show These People What You Don't Want Them to See
  162. Die Brünett Walküre
  163. A Look at the Tape
  164. Smell Good, Don't They?
  165. The Bane Revelation
  166. What Did the Oracle Tell You
  167. Training
  168. Deja Vu
  169. Raptor Eggs
  170. Father & Daughter
  171. Don't Think You Are ... Know You Are
  172. Meet the Keymaker
  173. Nebuchadnezzar's Crew
  174. Don't Hate Me, Trinity ... I'm Just the Messenger
  175. Smith vs. Smith
  176. The Real World
  177. He Is the One
  178. Bridge of Immortality
  179. Free Flight
  180. Nothing But Blue Pills
  181. I'm Not Your Son!
  182. Purpose That Created Us
  183. Off to See the Oracle
  184. This Will Feel ... a Little Weird
  185. The Problem Is Choice
  186. Rug Rangers Qu'est-ce Que C'est
  187. I Know Kung-Fu
  188. Resemblances
  189. Meeting Merovingian
  190. River Reminiscence
  191. Underwater Attack
  192. Doddering Old Fool
  193. AK, Colt and Mauser
  194. The Road to Hell
  195. Billy Oblivon
  196. Das Banegold
  197. Alan Goes
  198. The First Jump
  199. What Good Is a Phone Call, If You're Unable to Speak?
  200. Kyle's Secret
  201. Lidesky, Nash & Cooper
  202. Dealing for Bliss
  203. Mr. Wizard, Get Me the Hell Out of Here!
  204. Double Cross / They're in the Walls!
  205. The Ball Game
  206. Rest, Neo ... the Answers Are Coming
  207. Knock, Knock
  208. Chicago's Finest
  209. The Lobby Fight!!
  210. The Bug
  211. Spinosaurus Confrontation
  212. Oracle Debacle
  213. For Neo
  214. Alan & Ellen
  215. Party Crasher
  216. Introductions
  217. No One Can Be Told What the Matrix Is
  218. It's Crazy Zee
  219. They're in the Walls!
  220. The All Knowing Oracle
  221. The Nightclub
  222. Really Good Noodles
  223. The Lascivious Lift
  224. Welcome
  225. The Plan
  226. Morpheus Proposal
  227. I Can Guide You, but You Must Do Exactly as I Say
  228. The Logo's Location
  229. The Corvallan Freighter Destroyed
  230. Trinity Ability
  231. End Credits
  232. The Subway Showdown
  233. Cypher's Burnout
  234. Troi & N'Vek
  235. New Tension
  236. Mourning Teddy
  237. Anything's Possible
  238. Deanna's New Face
  239. Oracle Honesty
  240. Matters of Belief
  241. Picard & Deseve
  242. An Uneasy Meeting
  243. Welcome to the Egg
  244. The Enterprise Arrives
  245. The Lafayette Mirror
  246. Deanna Learns the Truth
  247. Captain's Log
  248. Neo on the Run
  249. Lobby Shooting Spree
  250. Deanna's New Role
  251. The Dojo Fight
  252. The Road to Truthville
  253. The Seduction
  254. The White Rabbit
  255. Bullettime
  256. Milo's Home
  257. Neo's Resting
  258. Daycare
  259. Aboard the Nebuchadnezzar
  260. Spoon Boy Sermon
  261. Warbird on Route
  262. Agent Training Program
  263. Teddy's Murder
  264. Sneak Rue Eve
  265. The Jump Program
  266. Tracking the Romulans
  267. The Enterprise's Investigation
  268. Departure and Arrival
  269. A Drink With Cypher
  270. Warbird Flyby
  271. Backyard Rant
  272. New Course Orders
  273. There Is No Elevator
  274. Sentinles
  275. The Matrix Has You
  276. Drive to Gary's
  277. A New Commander / Rescuing Deanna
  278. The Broadcast
  279. The Matrix: Anything Is Possible
  280. Hitting Hard
  281. Waiting
  282. Chateau [Perf. Rob Dougan]
  283. The Unsaid
  284. Matrix Reloaded Suite
  285. Zion [Perf. Fluke]
  286. Enter the Neb
  287. Blood on the Floor
  288. Chateau Swashbuckling
  289. The Chase
  290. Good Game / End Titles
  291. Do You Dream About Your Son?
  292. Standoff / The Truth / The Train
  293. Burly Brawl [Juno Reactor vs. Don Davis]
  294. Meeting The Merovingian
  295. The Nebuchadnezzar Crew
  296. Dante / Mona Lisa Overdrive (performed by Don Davis & Juno Reactor)
  297. Sin, Toil, Extra Vermouth (Tetsujin)
  298. In Custody
  299. Training Begins
  300. Furious Angels
  301. The Burly Brawl (performed by Don Davis & Juno Reactor)
  302. Perfect World
  303. Goodnight Zion
  304. The Key
  305. First Jump
  306. Trinity Vs. Car
  307. The Sentinels Attack
  308. Saving Morpheus
  309. Down the Rabbit Hole
  310. The Search Is Over
  311. The All-Knowing Oracle
  312. Choices
  313. B-212 Helicopter
  314. Die Brunette Walkure
  315. Chateau
  316. The Gatekeepers
  317. The Bane Voyage
  318. Kid Fried
  319. Trinity in a Jam
  320. The Logos Location
  321. Sentinels
  322. Rebirth
  323. Kill The Keymaster
  324. The Burly Brawl
  325. Opening Sequence
  326. Teahouse (performed by Juno Reactor & Gocoo)
  327. Dinner
  328. Kidfried / To Our Snivel
  329. Woman Can Drive / Moribund Mifune
  330. The First Goodbye / The All-Knowing Oracle
  331. The Logos Location / It’s Crazy Zee
  332. Niobe’s Run/The Breach / Boom Hilda
  333. For Neo (extended ending)
  334. Nothing But Blue Pills / AK, Cold and Mauser / Our Lit Ovens
  335. Why, Mr. Anderson?/Spirit of the Universe
  336. Die Brünett Walküre / Mjolnir Mastication / Charra Broiled
  337. The Road to Hell / Time’s Up / The Road to Sourceville
  338. Bridge of Immortality / For Neo
  339. Das Banegold / The Bane Revelation
  340. Assault on Teddy
  341. The TV Station / Lisa the Traitor
  342. Poppy Seeds Discovery
  343. Visiting Lyle Barton
  344. Teddy the Cracker
  345. Angel
  346. Gary Is Scrutabled
  347. Rebecca & Milo's Farewell
  348. Milo Is Introduced to the Egg
  349. The Planning
  350. Milo Calls Teddy
  351. Getting Some Fresh Air
  352. Building the Bomb
  353. End Credits Suite
  354. Spying Out the Office
  355. Security Guard Patrol
  356. The Satellite Ip Codes / Gary Interrupts
  357. Day Care Center Hack-In
  358. The Truth Revealed / Teddy's Murder Taped / Hiding From Phil
  359. The TV Commercial
  360. The Synapse Project
  361. Explosive Diversion
  362. Gary Sneaks In / Entering Section 21
  363. Bob Returns
  364. Milo on the Run / The Backup Plan
  365. The Dinner / Alice Is Rebecca
  366. The New Home
  367. Mourning for Teddy
  368. Walking Ashore
  369. Lisa Leaves
  370. The Broadcast / Source Code Release / Arrested
  371. Modules Complete
  372. Drive to Nurv Headquarters
  373. Why, Mr. Anderson? / Spirit of the Universe
  374. Illicit Felicity
  375. Switch’s Brew
  376. That’s Gotta Hurt
  377. He’s the One Alright
  378. Calling Teddy
  379. Party Pooper
  380. Gary's Office
  381. Taking a Look
  382. ND47
  383. The New House
  384. ''Every Moment Matters''
  385. Big Decisions
  386. Station Break
  387. Cracked
  388. Building 21
  389. Working Late
  390. Homecoming
  391. Sneaking Around
  392. Cerebellum
  393. Intricate Planning
  394. Poppy Seeds
  395. Close Call
  396. Hacked
  397. It Helps To Get Out
  398. Someone To Trust
  399. Tracking Milo
  400. Module Complete
  401. That Old Saying
  402. Killer Recipe
  403. Journeys Into Space: The Matrix: Anything Is Possible
  404. I Am Gino Marzzoni. Capice?
  405. Ceasar Bizarro
  406. Thelma And Lousie From Hell
  407. Data track
  408. Cooper´s Last Stand
  409. Vile And Contemptible
  410. Frank-N-Danish
  411. Franko-Fire
  412. Monster Bus
  413. Let's Shoot Grace
  414. Club Spook
  415. Cruising With Grimes
  416. Busted Lip Lock
  417. Mjolnir Mastication
  418. The Vampire Lawyer-Finale
  419. Delbo Delirious
  420. Stake For Woody
  421. Frank Restrained
  422. Trouble In Transylvania
  423. In Paradisum
  424. Dog Speed
  425. Coyle And Cha Cha Break In
  426. Bullet‐time
  427. She's Not Hungary For Food
  428. Armando Takes A Hit
  429. Beauty Kills The Beast
  430. Vienna Hot-Dog
  431. Breakout
  432. Conclusion Confusion
  433. The Matrix Symphony: 3. The Matrix Revolutions
  434. The Matrix Revolutions: Neodämmerung
  435. The Matrix Symphony: 1. The Matrix
  436. Suite from Warriors of Virtue
  437. The Matrix Symphony: 2. The Matrix Reloaded
  438. Ignorance Is Bliss/Cyber Cyphernetic
  439. Logos/The Matrix Main Title
  440. (Main Title) The Matrix Reloaded
  441. Spybreak (Incidental Cue)
  442. (Main Title) The Matrix Revolutions
  443. Mona Lisa Overdrive
  444. (Main Title) The Matrix
  445. Neo vs Morpheus
  446. 'It Could Be Him You Know'
  447. 'Who Is Jeremy Melton'
  448. Ruthie Encounters the Masked Killer
  449. Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue...
  450. 'i'll Be Back Before the Party'
  451. The Valentine Card
  452. I Need to Ask You a Favor
  453. Paige on the Hot Tub / Gasping for Air
  454. Killing the Pervert
  455. Browsing the Internet - You Scared Me!
  456. Shelley at the Autopsy Room
  457. Opening Title (Alt.)
  458. Deadly Cupid Arrows
  459. 'the Strangest Valentine I've Ever Seen'
  460. Almost Get Club by a Hot Iron
  461. Is Someone Out There
  462. Kate in the Shower
  463. Cupid Mask in the Elevator
  464. Calling Detective Vaughn -/Head on the Pond / The Dance / Looking for Dorothy
  465. Killed by an Axe
  466. 'You Know Anyone by the Name Jason Marquet'
  467. Corpse in the Cabinet / Chased by the Mask Man / Bodybags in the Morgue
  468. Logo / Main Title
  469. At the Cemetery
  470. I Just Don't Understand
  471. 'Valentines Day! What Does It Mean'
  472. Detective Vaughn Warns Kate & Dorothy
  473. 'It's Over!' / Unmasking the Killer


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