Traveling Wildfire
- Slow Dance With You
- Dark Beauty
- If You Truly Love Me
- Traveling Wildfire
- It's Cold Inside
- We Are Almost Down to the Shore
- Nobody Wrote It Down
- Saddle It Around
- Big Money Blues
- Old Desert Road
- Rabbit Foot Rag
- Tough Luck
- Song to JCB
- Guess I'm Doing Fine (von Dom Flemons feat. Sam Bush)
- Songster Revival (von Dom Flemons feat. James Fearnley)
Mehr Songtexte

- Til’ the Seas Run Dry
- Your Baby Ain't Sweet Like Mine
- Going Down the Road Feelin' Bad
- He's a Lone Ranger
- Po' Howard / Gwine Dig a Hole to Put the Devil In
- Ol' Proc
- Charmin' Betsy
- Tyin' Knots in the Devil's Tail
- I'm Sorry Mama
- That's It
- There's a Brownskin Girl Down the Road Somewhere
- Ol' Cindy Gal
- Po' Black Sheep/Gwine Dig a Hole
- The Grand Manifesto
- Sugar Dance
- Too Long (I've Been Gone)
- Wingtips
- Going Backward up the Mountain
- Clock on the Wall
- Keep on Truckin'
- Milwaukee Blues
- The Songster Arrives
- What Got Over
- Big Head Joe's March
- Blue Butterfly
- Songster Revival
- Guess I’m Doing Fine
- Guess I'm Doing Fine
- It's Cold Inside