Dicky Deegan Songtexte
An Phíb: Uilleann Pipes - Irish Music
- Stor mo Chroi
- The Flags of Dublin / The Fairy Reel / The Merry Harriers / The Pinch of Snuff / The Bucks of Oranmore
- An Buinnean Bui / The King of the Pipers
- Cuaichin Ghlann Neifin
- The Fox's Lament
- The Anchory Lasses / The Smokey House / Toss the Feathers
- The Gold Ring / Contradiction
- Unknown Hornpipe / The Morning Thrush / The Merry Sisters
- Jehn Eagan's / Ask My Father / Pat Ward's
- Limerick's Lamentation
- An Buachaillin Ban
- Paddy O'Brien's
- King of the Pipers / The Hare in the Corn / Fraher's
- Casadh an tSugain
- An Caisideach Ban / Nora Criona
- Stor mo Chroi (reprise)
Musique des Celtes Irlandais
- La complainte du renard
- Ma première femme
- Les larmes des femmes
- Cassidy aux cheveux blonds
- Les drapeaux de Dublin
- La reine enchantée
- La princesse royale
- Trésor de mon cœur
- Je rêve
- Paudin O'Rafferty
- Le petit coucou de Glen Nephin
- Maggie endormie
- Neige de Pâques
- Sean de bois
- Le butor jaune
- Le Coolin
- Trésor de mon cœur
Mehr Songtexte

- Unknown Hornpipe/The Mornign Thrush/The Merry Sisters (Hornpipe/Reels)
- An Buinneán Buí (The Yellow Bittern)/The King of Pipers (Air/Jig)
- An Caisideach Bán (Fair Haired Cassidy)/Nora Criona (Wise Nora) (Air/Jig)
- An Buachaillín Bán (The Dear Irish Boy) (Air)
- The Flags of Dublin/The Fairy Reel/The Marry Harriers/The Pich of Snuff/The Bucks of Oranmore (Reels)
- Casadh an tSúgáin (Twisting the Hayrope) (Air)
- Stór mo Chroi (Treasure of My Heart) (Air)
- Limerick’s Lamentation (Air)
- King of Pipers/The Hare in the Corn/Fraher’s (Jigs)
- Cuaichin Ghleann Neifin (The Little Cukoo of Glen Nephin) (Air)
- John Eagan’s/Ask My Father/Pat Ward’s (Hornpipe/Single Jigs)
- The Gold Ring/The Contradiction (Jig/Hornpipe)
- The Anchory Lasses/The Smokey House/Toss The Feathers (Reels)
- The Fox’s Lament (Air)
- Paddy O’Brien’s/Valencia Harbour (Reel/Air)
- An Caisdeach Ban
- 3 Jigs (My Former Wife; The Butcher's March; Petticoat Loose)
- Drowsey Maggie
- Easter Snow; The Burnt Old Man
- Scan ca Ceo
- Cuaichin Ghleann Neifin
- 6 Reels (The Flags of Dublin; The Fairy Reel; The Merry Harriers; Pinch of Snuff; The Bucks of Oranmore)
- Tainse mo Chodladh
- The Princess Royal
- The Coolin; The Adamstown Sisters
- The Fairy Queen
- An Buinnean Bui
- The Weeping of the Women